Tools That Help You and Help Your Prospects!!


As we have mentioned in our email newsletter, MDS offers a variety of Interactive Financial Templates that address a vast array of operational needs and situations. You adjust the variables to reflect your unique situation to get the answers you need to make prudent decisions that can affect your residents, your employees and your bottom line.

MDS can customize any of these existing templates to your specific situation or create personalized templates to address your individual community’s needs

Each month we offer an Interactive Financial Template for use free of charge.

Free Interactive Financial Template for December 2012 – Back by Popular Demand:

Senior Consumer Affordability Analysis







Help Your Prospects Really Understand What They Can Afford

What it is: Shows potential clients different sources of income compared to cost of senior living arrangements.  The variables include Social Security Income, Pension, saving/investment portfolio, home equity, average returns on investment, tax rate, discretionary allowance and cost of living.

How to use it: User will obtain information from potential client and set all variables to reflect current situation of prospect.

Expected Outcomes: This will show the prospect if they can afford the community with current income.  This will also allow marketing representative to begin dialog of other sources of income some seniors do not think of such as investments, home equity and/or getting family members financially involved.  The community representative will now know if they must discuss the possibility of spending down prospects investments or home equity and estimate how long the funds will last.

Use this template with prospects in the marketing and sales office of your community to visually show them what they can (or cannot) afford.

For more information on customized templates, please contact:
Roy Barker, Director – Special Projects
(817)925-8374 (Direct Line)