One Company, Many Departments; One Strategy or Many

by Kim Jimenez

When talking about your organizational goals, is every department within your company on the same page? Have you shared or even included all departments in goal setting and strategy development? Does your Human Resources department act as part of the strategy team for your community and your company or do they perform as an auxiliary function?

One Company, Many Departments; One Strategy or Many

People can make or break your organization. The front-line employees who interact with the public. The CNAs and nurses who care for your residents. The receptionist who greets everyone who walks into your office or facility. The marketing team who puts out the marketing material and branding that can draw in new business (or not). Your top management and executives who define and plan the company brand and strategy. So, don’t you think the department responsible for recruiting all these people need to be an integral part of the company strategic plan? Absolutely!

Think about what your Human Resources Department is responsible for:
• Recruitment and Hiring
• Orientation/Training/Development
• Compensation
• Benefits
• Payroll
• Health and Safety (Risk Management and Worker Protection)
• Employee Engagement (Retention)
• Equal Opportunity Employment Compliance

In addition, each of these activities can be broken down into multiple tasks. Your HR department is responsible for your staffing, the performance of your staff, legal compliance for your organization and keeping your employees happy. No small task!

So, while you expect your HR department to perform in this way, they can sometimes get boxed in to just performing task after task, putting out fires day after day. Do they know what you expect of them? Do you truly know what to expect out of your HR department? Do they understand the strategy of the organization in order to hire the right people for the job? Can they explain your brand, culture and goals to potential employees to be sure they understand the job expectations? If you are experiencing high employee turnover, you really need to explore the answers to these questions.

Make sure you include your HR manager in strategy development. Coordinate efforts between organizational goals and the people who must perform to achieve these goals.

Kim Jimenez has been a regular contributor to the MDS website and MDS blog for the past 15 years.  Kim holds a supervisory position in a Fortune 100 company and has experience with a multitude of employee, training and leadership issues.  She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree concentrated in Human Resource Management from Southern New Hampshire University



Our Industry Is Entering Into The “Second Generation”

When we think of “generations” we typically consider population in general and our peers, children and grandchildren.  We know unique generations commonly think differently in terms of lifestyle, finances, how they spend their money and their perception of value . . . in other words their “psychographics” are different.  The term psychographics is broadly defined as the use of demographics to determine the attitudes, perceptions and behavior of a particular segment of our population.

Let’s sharpen the definition of population psychographics and apply it specifically to our senior living industry in terms of two important consumer generations; 1) The Silent Generation, ages 70 to 90 – age, income and asset qualified seniors as potential residents for our communities and 2) The Baby Boom and Baby Busters ages 55 to 64 – the decision influencers for senior living.  Let’s also consider the professionals that design and operate our communities.  These designs and operating strategies are changing.

There are dramatic differences we need to address as we make the critical transition into the second generation of our industry.  They involve two primary consumer generations:

1. The Silent Generation – 1925 to 1945. This generation has two major components:

  • The Depression Era (1929 to 1939). When I talk to seniors and conduct senior focus groups, I always ask, “Does having lived through the Depression in any way affect your financial decision-making today?”  The answer is always a resounding
  • World War II (1940-1945). GIs came home from the war, married, bought homes and had children in record numbers (the Boomers).  These veterans were motivated to make up for lost time.  After getting educated under the GI Bill, they built businesses, careers and built personal savings.  They are generally fiscally conservative.

2. The Baby Boomers – 1946 to 1964. The Boomers and the Baby Busters (1965 to 1980) have a current age spectrum of 35 to 69.  Their psychographics are:

  • The “Gray Flannel Suit” Era (1946 – 1980). During this period, many men and women entered the corporate world prepared to spend their careers with one employer.  They were generally “team players” – conforming, spending their time responding to the requirements of their employers as they worked through their careers.
  • Vietnam Era & the Rebellions of 1960s & 1970s. This troublesome period (1960 – 1974) created large groups of disillusioned veterans and many “maverick consumers”. A large portion of the population did not accept these nonconformists, which only triggered further rebellion against “the establishment”.

The younger element of the Silent Generation and the Boomers are the foundation of the emerging second generation of our industry.  Their attitudes and opinions have also been shaped by the boom/bust cycles of the past 20 years and the very low savings rates experienced by fixed income seniors.

The typical life cycle of the Silent and the Boomer generations has been defined as approximately 18 to 20 years old respectively.  The modern day senior living industry “first generation” life cycle is defined as approximately 30 years (1985 to 2015).  Just like consumer psychographics and trends, some dramatic strategic changes are taking place in our industry

Tomorrow’s senior living marketing prospects are no longer “the usual prospects.” They are raising the bar of expectations and will be much more articulate in expressing their wants, needs and perceptions of value.  It’s time to redouble your efforts at understanding today’s age 75-plus consumers while becoming more savvy about how you market to them.  Actually, quite a lot is known about the current mindset of the senior consumer; the challenge is translating this knowledge into practical communication and marketing strategies.  Take, for example, pricing.  Most of us know we should sell tangible value before price.  But, in our zeal to tell our story, we forget that the process involves three very important steps:

1) Truly understand the senior consumer mindset

2) Identify and correct common senior misconceptions

3) Deploy consumer-focused, market-driven positioning

Finally, realize that we are evolving to another generation of prospects and we are dealing with senior consumers who have experienced a number of life-changing events.  The financial implications are enormous.

A word of caution: Don’t get misled by the opinions expressed by your existing residents.  These opinions may no longer necessarily reflect the changing mindset of your future residents.

Jim Moore is president of Moore Diversified Services, Inc., a national Senior housing and health care consulting firm based in Fort Worth, Texas.  He has written several books about assisted living and Senior housing, including Independent Living and CCRCs. Jim is also a regular contributor to industry publications such as McKnights Long Term Care News and various industry association publications.  Contact MDS at 817-731-4266 to discuss your consulting needs.

Is “Cost Creep” affecting your income statement?


What is “Cost Creep”? How is it measured?  How does it affect your community, division, or company? What can you do to stay out in front of it?  These are some questions I hope to answer for you.

Cost creep, in its basic form, is providing more care to residents than you are being compensated for. This can come about for many reasons, such as:

Is “Cost Creep” affecting your income statement?

  • an incorrect loaded hourly rate on which to base monthly service fees (MSF) and care tiers upon;
  • not having residents assigned to correct care tiers;
  • not catching resident’s decline soon enough; and
  • caregivers not understanding the dynamic of what they provide the resident and the company through their service.


Use Correct Wage Rates

One of the first steps to stay ahead of cost creep is to make sure that your employee’s loaded wage rates are correct and appropriate. When loading an employee’s wage, you want to include their regular base wage, benefits, overhead, indirect time allotments, and an appropriate profit margin. Once you have accounted for all of these factors you will arrive at the appropriate loaded wage rate on which to base your monthly service fees and tier levels upon.

The base wage is just like it sounds:  the face amount at which you pay the employee. If the employee receives any benefits, what is that cost per hour they work? We generally see this in the 25% to 35% of the employee’s base wage. Overhead can be a little more complicated, but think of it in terms of how much do you need from each employee to fund the director of nursing, human resources tasks associated with the employee, funding of Executive Director, meal programs, and so on. MDS generally see this range in the 15% to 25% of the employee’s base wage.

Indirect time is the time a caregiver spends on the clock but not performing hands-on resident care. This could relate to paper work, charts, meetings, breaks, training, and other unrelated tasks.  Most time and motion studies have shown that the average caregiver will be productive, i.e. providing hands-on care to a resident, approximately 80% of the time, so this is what MDS generally uses unless an individual case can be made showing more or less. Profit margins will vary depending upon your company’s goals and the level of care provided at your community.

Once you have developed your loaded wage rate for caregivers, about half of the battle is over.  Next double check all MSFs and tier ranges at your community to make sure they are in line with the amount of care provided at each level.

Monitor the Care

Now that you have your loaded wage rates and pricing up-to-date, it’s time to monitor the care being provided. Each resident should have a care plan and fall into a category of care, from a base rate (generally the MSF) to a Level 3, 4, 5 depending upon the care levels your community provides. Make sure that ALL residents have an up-to-date care plan and are billed an appropriate amount for their specific care level. Double check time for tasks performed to make sure they are within a reasonable range.

Next we can look at the number of minutes resident care providers are on the floor. First take a quick snap shot of total weekly minutes your staff is providing—don’t initially worry about shifts, just the total number. This is a simple calculation of taking all full-time equivalent (FTE) resident care employees (remember this is FTEs not bodies), multiple that times .80 or 80% efficiency.  You can substitute your community’s exact level of efficiency if it is different.  Then multiply this number by the hours of a typical shift at your community. This could be 7, 7.5, 8, 12, or something else if your community has a unique schedule. Then multiply by the number of days the typical resident care employee works to reach a normal work week.

To compensate for employees who work different shifts, you either need to calculate separately and add up, or do a weighted average for your community. For example, the equation for a 7.5 hour employee who works 5 days a week at 80% efficiency would look like this: (hours x days) x efficiency factor = hours of direct care provided.  Here is our example: (7.5 x 5) x .80 = 30.  The (7.5 x 5) = 37.5 represents the hours per day and days per week the employee is on the clock and available to provide care.  Then we multiple the 37.5 x .80 or the number of total hours available times the efficiency factor, in this example 80%, to arrive at a net 30 hours of direct care provided by this one particular employee.  This should be repeated for each FTE, not warm body, on your schedule each week.

Reconcile the number of minutes of care your residents require verse the number of care minutes you put on the floor each week. It’s important to remember that these two numbers may not be equal due to shift scheduling, shift irregularities, and overlaps, but this is a great place to start making sure that they are in relevant proximity to each other.

Silent Killer

Cost Creep is the silent killer in Senior Living, especially Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Nursing Care. This is a great exercise to run frequently in order to make sure that things don’t quickly get out of hand. This is a problem that will not only affect your Net Operating Income (NOI) and Cash Flow, but also your Terminal Value. If you are shorting yourself $100,000 of NOI per year, that can equate to a $1 million reduction in terminal value for your community.

Here at MDS we have been dealing with the “Cost Creep” phenomenon for many years. Having worked with many Senior Living communities of all shapes and sizes over the years has allowed us to develop an unsurpassed knowledge base and many tools to look at the Cost Creep situation from all sides and develop solutions best suited for our clients.  Our experience with this and other industry issues are unsurpassed.

Call me directly at your earliest convenience and let’s discuss how MDS can help your community work through Cost Creep and other operational matters that might be holding up your income statement.

Next Webinar:  “How To Recruit Top Talent Into Your Community”

Roy Barker’s next Webinar, “How To Recruit Top Talent Into Your Community,” will be Thursday, August 20 at 1 p.m.  Roy will use his 16 years of experience in the Senior Living industry to share unique tips for finding the best talent to manage and care for your residents.  Recruiting the best talent means more than simply posting job listings online.  Find out how you can be proactive in searching for the top candidates, rather than passively waiting for whoever comes to you.  Register for the webinar by clicking this link.

Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in Senior Living operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Webinar Recap: Back To Basics in Professional Selling


sellilng senior living, Back to basics, senior living consulting, senior living consultant, Moore Diversified Services

Senior Living expert Roy Barker, Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, recently shared in a webinar what he has learned in his years of experience in the Senior Living industry about Professional Selling and how important it is to go “Back to the Basics.”  Barker specifically used his mystery shopping experiences to highlight some of the main mistakes Senior Living sales staffs are still making, mostly without even realizing it.  If Senior Living sales staffs take Roy’s advice and implement his suggestions, it could have a big impact on the bottom line.

If you missed the webinar, you can view it in its entirety by clicking on the video below at the end of this article.  You can also view past webinars on the Moore Diversified Services Senior Living YouTube channel. This article gives a brief recap of some of the main points of the most recent webinar.  Roy broke up the Sales Process into three stages:  the Beginning, the Middle, and the End.  But first, Roy talks about a Shift in Focus needed in Senior Living sales.

Continue reading “Webinar Recap: Back To Basics in Professional Selling”

What is Your Digital Media Strategy for 2015?


Are you about to move right past this post because you don’t believe you need one? THINK AGAIN!

Digital Media is now an integral part of any comprehensive marketing strategy/plan. While some products and services may use digital media more than others, every business needs to utilize digital media in some form to build and enhance client and customer relationships.

Product Marketing vs. Relationship Marketing

There was a time when you strictly marketed your product or service to your target audience. While that is still a part of an effective marketing plan, relationship marketing is extremely effective in our industry. As a provider in the senior living and housing industry you actually have two target audiences. The first target audience is the senior themselves. The second is the family members of the senior who may be the primary decision maker or at minimum highly influential in the decision making process. You must be building relationships with current and potential customers as well as their family members.

In the case of a senior living and housing community, if an individual is not a resident or has a family member as a resident, you still want to be the first community they think of if the need arises or if someone asks for a recommendation. This means getting your community name out there and engaging with the public, resident or not. This process does not have to be complicated. Start with a simple plan and build from there.


First, no matter your marketing strategy, your size, your mission or your occupancy rate, you must have a presence on the web. One of the first places, a potential resident or family member will go is the web. Whether it is to just get contact information, an address to pay you a visit or to get an idea of what your community looks like, a large percentage of people immediately will look up your website opposed to the previous process of looking you up in the phone book.

“Up to 84 percent of all Americans now expect the Internet’s World Wide Web to provide them needed information on government, news, healthcare, and commerce, according to a new survey compiled by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.”

Having a website is 24/7 marketing. Websites market to those around the country. It can market to those you don’t even realize need your services; think out-of-town family members doing preliminary research on a community for their senior. It would be difficult to direct-market by mail to that particular audience.


If you have a website, the next easiest step would be to add a blog to your site. While blogs can be intimidating, they don’t have to be! Use it to simply give updates about your community, upcoming events and most importantly provide your audience some general tips, hints and information. This can include:

  • What is happening in your immediate area, not just your community
  • Helpful tips from your current residents about downsizing and moving
  • Advice on what to look for in a senior living community
  • Great recipes from your residents or their families
  • Profile some of your residents (with their permission of course)

A blog can be as simple or as sophisticated as you make it. Just be sure to keep it current so that anyone who makes it to your website will know the information is up to date.


The next logical step would be to create a Facebook page for your community. You can basically use the same content as your blog on your Facebook page. Family members who are already on Facebook will enjoy seeing updates about where their parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles are living. So many communities already have a presence on Facebook and have found great success with this strategy.


There are more resources available than we could list, so here are a few of our suggestions to get you started:

These can all be purchased from Westridge Publishing or most book retailers.

Stuck and don’t know the first step or maybe you need some reassurance about the path you’re taking? Let me help! I can perform an audit of your company and/or community’s digital footprint, provide guidance, and a sound plan of action for you.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies

Kim Jimenez has been a regular contributor to the MDS website and MDS blog for the past 15 years.  Kim holds a supervisory position in a Fortune 100 company and has extensive experience with a multitude of employee, training and leadership issues.  She is currently obtaining her degree in Human Resource Management at Southern New Hampshire University.

Wishing You and Your Family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!


Happy Holidays From The Staff of MDS

We at MDS would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you dedicated to the service and care of the many residents aging successfully in communities around the world a Safe and Happy Holidays!

We especially thank those that will tend to residents on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; there is no day off in an industry such as ours.  To many of these residents, you are their family and you will make their holidays bright!

Thank you for your commitment to the betterment of the Senior Living and Senior Housing Industry.


Can your office survive without you? If it can’t you are doing it all wrong!

The sign of a true leader is one who is constantly creating new leaders.  These type of leaders inspire, motivate, educate, support and mentor others into positions of leadership.  They cultivate the skills of others and strengthen their weaknesses.

In Boy Scouts, one of the main premises of the Eagle Scout project, and something you will be grilled on in you Eagle Board of Review, is the question: could your project have happened without you? In order to have a truly successful project, it must be so well planned out AND you must have designated, informed, trained other participants that a) you as the project leader do not actually work on project day and b) if you cannot show up for any reason, the project proceeds as planned.

This so goes against our nature of needing to be needed.  We tend to feel if our business or department can survive without us, we have no value.  We MUST adjust this way of thinking! If business as usual can proceed without you, then to your credit you have hired some very capable employees and you have trained them so well they know how to do their job. This then frees you up to focus on the big picture, more time for strategic planning and business growth.

Do you think you must be involved in every little aspect of your department? Do you require frequent updates and details on every project? Now we get into micromanaging, stay tuned…


Kim Jimenez has been a regular contributor to the MDS website and MDS blog for the past 15 years.  Kim holds a supervisory position in a Fortune 100 company and has extensive experience with a multitude of employee, training and leadership issues.  She is currently obtaining her degree in Human Resource Management at Southern New Hampshire University.

Strategic Planning Series Webinar Recordings


I want to thank everyone who joined us for our Strategic Planning Webinar Series.  If you missed the opportunity to participate live, here is your chance to view these recordings.  These webinars contain important and helpful information to remember as you finalize your Strategic Planning journey for 2015.

We are busy putting together some new webinars that you will not want to miss.  These can help you take your organization to the next level.  I am currently planning for late January or early February.  Watch our blogs and newsletter for more information. To sign up just enter your email in the box on the left hand margin.  Also, please send me an email with any suggestions you might have for both blog and webinar topics. Let us know what your specific challenges are and I will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.

Below you will find links to MDS’ recent Webinar Series on Strategic Planning, both Parts I & II.  The images are linked to the MDS YouTube page, so just click on the image of the webinar that you want to view and it will open up the presentation video in a new window for you.

Part I Part II












Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Strategic Planning Webinar

Moore Diversified Services presents Plug-In and Prosper Webinars:

Part 1 – Where Do I Start?
Thursday, Nov. 6
1:00-1:30 p.m. (CST)


At Moore Diversified Services your success is our goal. We are committed to equipping our clients with tools and strategies to make their businesses successful. As we close out fiscal 2014 and approach 2015, MDS would like to offer a special, COMPLIMENTARY webinar series on Strategic Planning.     Plug in with copyright

Join Roy Barker, Director – Special Projects at MDS, for “Part 1 – Strategic Planning: Where Do I Start?” as he answers this question and provides insights into strategy planning.   Topics will include:

  • Selecting a team
  • Employee Buy-In
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Data Driven Indicators
    • Operations
    • Marketing
    • Employee Turn-Over

Space is limited. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to learn from a company with over 40 years of experience.  Click here to view webinar flyer


Be an Appreciative Rock Star!

I love music. I can’t sing or play an instrument, but I do love music and music trivia. Recently I had the good fortune to see a great band, one that has been around for many years, at one of my most favorite venues in the entire world, the Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach, NH. It was a terrific show and fun was had by all, (including the guy sleeping in our car when we came out! For those who follow me on Facebook, you understand, and for those who don’t, that is an entirely different story.)

But, as we were leaving the concert we walked by the band’s bus. I was very surprised and saddened to see what happened next. Although there were only about ten fans around, two of the band members ducked their heads down attempting to hide from us. The sad thing was that, although most of us were old enough that we were past the “star-struck” stage and autographs don’t mean that much to us, there was a young man there who had been waiting patiently to meet the band and possibly get an autograph. It was troubling that they couldn’t have taken 10 minutes to sign a few autographs and mingle with their fans. It would have done wonders for their image. They seem to have forgotten how and why they had become so successful … fans liking them and their music.

With a Little Help From My Friends

It made me think of the senior living industry and other businesses I patronize. People like to be known and recognized. I go to a couple little local restaurants and diners where I know the owners. They never fail to stop by and say “hey” and make you feel welcome and appreciated for your patronage. I have befriended a manager at a national chain and he never fails to stop by my table and talk for a few minutes and even comps my meals most of the time. If I see these people on the street, in a different environment, they still speak and we treat each other as friends.

The same holds true for residents and their families in Senior Living communities. They think of you as the “Rock Star” of your community. They want to be known and feel like they

know important people. They want to feel that they are important and meaningful in the community in which they live, to feel like they count for something and are appreciated. Some residents don’t have a lot of outside interaction and the staff of the community may be all the outside interaction they get in a day’s time.

Rock On

I know there are days that we feel we just can’t speak with another person or we will explode. Can’t face a certain person because they always have a complaint or want to talk for 20 minutes. And there are those days we are so busy with other things that we just blow by our residents without giving them the time of day, but we have to remember why we do what we do.

It is important to remember they are the reason we are there (because they pay a monthly service fee). I think it is very important for staff members to be present, visible, engaging, and attentive. There are those who work in offices, behind closed doors, who have to put forth the extra effort to get out and be seen among the residents. It is important to remember that when we step out from behind the confines of our office that we try and clear our minds and anticipate running into residents who will want to engage with us (good or bad, long or short.)

Be an appreciative Rock Star, put on a smile and say “Hi!” to as many residents as possible every day. We never know, that might be the only smile they see that day.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.