Be an Appreciative Rock Star!

I love music. I can’t sing or play an instrument, but I do love music and music trivia. Recently I had the good fortune to see a great band, one that has been around for many years, at one of my most favorite venues in the entire world, the Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach, NH. It was a terrific show and fun was had by all, (including the guy sleeping in our car when we came out! For those who follow me on Facebook, you understand, and for those who don’t, that is an entirely different story.)

But, as we were leaving the concert we walked by the band’s bus. I was very surprised and saddened to see what happened next. Although there were only about ten fans around, two of the band members ducked their heads down attempting to hide from us. The sad thing was that, although most of us were old enough that we were past the “star-struck” stage and autographs don’t mean that much to us, there was a young man there who had been waiting patiently to meet the band and possibly get an autograph. It was troubling that they couldn’t have taken 10 minutes to sign a few autographs and mingle with their fans. It would have done wonders for their image. They seem to have forgotten how and why they had become so successful … fans liking them and their music.

With a Little Help From My Friends

It made me think of the senior living industry and other businesses I patronize. People like to be known and recognized. I go to a couple little local restaurants and diners where I know the owners. They never fail to stop by and say “hey” and make you feel welcome and appreciated for your patronage. I have befriended a manager at a national chain and he never fails to stop by my table and talk for a few minutes and even comps my meals most of the time. If I see these people on the street, in a different environment, they still speak and we treat each other as friends.

The same holds true for residents and their families in Senior Living communities. They think of you as the “Rock Star” of your community. They want to be known and feel like they

know important people. They want to feel that they are important and meaningful in the community in which they live, to feel like they count for something and are appreciated. Some residents don’t have a lot of outside interaction and the staff of the community may be all the outside interaction they get in a day’s time.

Rock On

I know there are days that we feel we just can’t speak with another person or we will explode. Can’t face a certain person because they always have a complaint or want to talk for 20 minutes. And there are those days we are so busy with other things that we just blow by our residents without giving them the time of day, but we have to remember why we do what we do.

It is important to remember they are the reason we are there (because they pay a monthly service fee). I think it is very important for staff members to be present, visible, engaging, and attentive. There are those who work in offices, behind closed doors, who have to put forth the extra effort to get out and be seen among the residents. It is important to remember that when we step out from behind the confines of our office that we try and clear our minds and anticipate running into residents who will want to engage with us (good or bad, long or short.)

Be an appreciative Rock Star, put on a smile and say “Hi!” to as many residents as possible every day. We never know, that might be the only smile they see that day.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

The Elusive Balance of Life and Business

If you’re like me you’re constantly searching for the optimal balance in life. I do a lot of reading and try to find tips and pointers that work for me. I think one point to stress at the outset is there are many great ideas and theories available, but you have to study and incorporate the ones that are right for you and your situation. The key to balance will be somewhat different for everyone and will change from time to time over the years.

I just read an article by Terri Trespicio entitled “How to Find Balance” at It’s a great article and worth the read. She talks about myths of a balanced life and the truth behind them. As I already stated, this may not be for everyone, but it struck a chord with me. As I studied and reflected on these more, I could see an instant parallel to running a community, a business, or a corporation.

Ms. Trespicio makes a couple of great observations. First is that she references scales and the parallel of “a balanced life is not symmetrical, still, or neutral, but always changing. Secondly, she points out that, as with anything we do repeatedly and put the effort into, it becomes easier over time and as you gain “momentum”.

So here is my take on how this can apply to you and your business. The myths and truths are directly from Ms. Trespicio article, the commentary is mine.

Myth: You Must Be Even-Tempered
Truth: Balance Encompasses the Full Range of Emotions

There are those days when we will be angry, frustrated, and at the end of our rope with someone or everyone. It’s not about suppressing these feelings, it’s about the way we respond to them and communicate with others. If you hold these emotions in they will eat you up from the inside out and the root cause will never be addressed. It’s more about how we deal with them. Take a deep breath and make sure your response is measured and appropriate. Most of the time in an emotional situation we will respond much differently after the passage of time and thinking the situation through.

Myth: Balance is Effortless
Truth: Balance is Efficient

When things are in balance, life seems so much easier and fluid, you can just feel it. When your team at work are accomplishing goals and making good progress, life is not only better for everyone, but seems effortless. This is where creativity resides and we are able to accomplish more seemingly effortlessly.

Myth: You Must Be In Control
Truth: Real Balance Means Being In Flux

Control is such an illusion. When you have clients and people working for you there is no way you are in control. We have to learn to manage many different moving parts. We have to be accepting of change and know it’s a part of life. We can try, but really we can’t stop it. What you can control to some extent are the processes and procedures, but even those need to be flexible to meet certain situations. Ms. Trespicio makes a great point in the example of a circus tightrope walker. Their “skill resides not in their ability to defy gravity, but in making the hundreds of subtle, incremental readjustments to account for imbalance”.

Myth: A Balanced Person Is Good At Everything
Truth: Balance Requires Prioritizing

While you or your organization might be good at a lot of things, should you really be spending the time and money to do them? The 80/20 rule has great application here, 80% of our results come from 20% of our effort. Concentrate on what makes you or your company successful. Go through you and your employee’s task and reevaluate what is truly important to the success of your business. Then you can either quit or reduce unnecessary tasks and outsource those you can. Also remember to DELEGATE when possible.

Myth: Imbalance Will Result in Disaster
Truth: Imbalance is Opportunity

This is probably my favorite myth. This ties in very nicely to strategic planning. When you feel your team, community, or business getting unbalanced, and if you’re in tune with what going on around you, you will notice, it’s time for strategic evaluation. Don’t try to ignore it or it will just get worse and probably take longer and be more costly to find a new balance.

Take this as an opportunity to learn and grow. This is a great opportunity to reevaluate processes and procedures, how you apply your labor force, people and positions they fill, products and services. An important part of this evaluation is to know where you are today. As our last blog suggested, an operational review coupled with a SWOT analysis are great places to start.

I hope Ms. Trespicio’s article can be of some help to you find personal balance in your life.  Hopefully you can also take some of these theories and apply them to your business and professional life and environment as well.  I would imagine we are all a lot closer to balanced than we originally thought and give ourselves credit for.

Remember balance is not a static place.  It is constantly moving and changing and like the tightrope walker, we have to learn to make a lot of slight adjustments to remain in balance.  We can’t control everything around us, but we can control our reaction and response.  Its perfectly alright to feel a wide range of emotion, but the higher the emotion, the more we should think our response through carefully.  Lastly, in those times of imbalance, look for opportunities, they do exist.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Where Do I Start?

As you start your strategic planning for 2015 you might ask yourself “where do I start?” You have a lot of areas that you would like to tweak and improve as you start into the new year. Two great starting points are a financial wellness checkup and a SWOT analysis (SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

The financial wellness checkup will give you a great base to start thinking about areas where you could sharpen your focus to improve your operational and financial health. A SWOT analysis will give you an opportunity to look at your departments, community, or company’s current strengths and weaknesses in order to develop strategies to take advantage of new opportunities and to defend against threats. In this blog I cover the financial wellness checkup and I will discuss the SWOT analysis in a future blog.


It follows the old adage and answers that question where do I start? Of course, from the beginning! But where is the beginning really? There are so many different moving parts to your organization and there are so many different areas that you would like to change as you move forward. This is why it’s important to establish a baseline of where you are at today. This is where financial benchmarking comes in. Financial benchmarking has become a priority with senior managers in the senior living industry to determine where they are today and more importantly to chart a path of where they would like to be next year and in the future beyond.

It’s like going to your family doctor for a checkup and finding out your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels. Once you know what these levels are then you can begin developing a plan to make the desired changes in things like your lifestyle and/or diet in order to achieve optimal levels prescribed for you.

It’s much the same way with the financial wellness check and benchmarking. You look at your revenues and expenses based on different line items and departments, then compare them against generally accepted industry benchmarks. This boils down your complex operations to a few high-level numbers that are more easily managed. It is also recommended that you convert your revenue and expenses into a per resident day (PRD) basis this allows for a much easier comparison. You will want to be aware of the variance between your current year budget and your current actual spent year-to-date. It is also recommended that you look back over the last 3-5 years at changes in budget and variance year over year.

Making Needed Changes

Once you have compared your actual operating financials to the benchmarks the areas that need the most attention will come to light. This will provide you with a roadmap of where the most impact can be made in adjusting your operating budget, if necessary. Then you can dig in with further analysis of areas in which you would like to improve or change. This would be a great opportunity to use the SWOT analysis to help facilitate change and direction.

Another drain on a community’s financial health that we often see in the senior living industry is “cost creep”. This is basically the uncompensated care provided to the residents of your community. It is important to stay on top of resident care plan and evaluations to ensure your revenue for resident care matches the expenditure for actual care provided. MDS has a couple of templates that allow us to take a high level look at the minutes of direct care staff you are providing to your community and see how it compares to expected care provided and revenue based on current resident acuity.

Kick-off 2015 Strong

As you can see, conducting a financial wellness check is a great way to kick off your strategic planning for 2015. It will give you a snapshot of where you are today and also provide valuable information to incorporate when planning for the future. I would appreciation the opportunity to work with you and your professional team in conducting this financial wellness check, providing assistance with a SWOT analysis, and help moderate your 2015 strategic planning sessions. Let’s get you on the calendar today before too much time slips away.

MDS also offers a “shared executive” retainer program. As a retainer client, we can help monitor your operation metrics, provide important commentary on the industry and your business, and become a strategic partner in the success of your operation throughout the year. This has become a very popular program with our existing clients because of the tremendous value added through MDS’ staffs’ many years of experience in the industry delivered to you at a fraction of the cost. I would be happy to discuss your individual situation and develop a customized “shared executive” plan to suit your needs.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

What Does Your Customer Service Say about Your Community’s Culture?

Does your senior living community, including your staff, express a can-do spirit? Do they have a mindset that is resident focused? Are they able to see the positive and not growl about everything? Do they work on fixing what’s wrong instead of griping about it? How much thought do you really put into personnel placement and training? These are a few questions to examine with regards to how you express your company’s culture to your residents, those who work within your company, and those outside of your walls.

I recently read a blog on LinkedIn  which garnered a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons, but it had a good message. The blog described the advice a venture capitalist had for the young twenty something in whose startup he was investing $150 million. To paraphrase the conversation, the venture capitalist advised, “Don’t mess up the company culture, that’s what I’m investing in.”

Unintended Culture Shift

Unfortunately, it tends to happen in most industries. As companies grow and hire more and more people, they tend to drift away from the core values and culture that made them a success. It takes a lot of effort to stay the course to retain your company culture. You have to hire the right people, develop a successful orientation process as well as an ongoing training program, monitor your employees’ actions and outcomes, and adjust as the need arises.

And as the old saying goes, the commitment to a positive company culture starts at the very top. I don’t mean just knowing about it, reading about it, preaching about it, I mean really LIVING IT 31! (For those of you out of the loop on the newest lingo, 31 is the old 24/7, just 24+7. And if you’re wondering, no I‘m not that cool, I was recently schooled by my younger, hipper nephews).

Personnel Assignments

Did you ever stop to think about how that particular person got into that particular job? Sometimes it’s the person that has been around the longest or has the lowest in seniority. Maybe the employee asked for the job, or maybe they were the first applicant that could pass a background check. There are many examples of employees that just ended up in a job and no thought was given to whether they were a good fit and exemplified your community culture to its fullest.

It would be easy to write a novel on employee placement and training, which covers all the different positions in a senior living community. However, I would like to focus on those employees you have put in a position of initial contact with your potential residents and their families. I’m specifically talking about those employees who answer your phones or greet your prospective residents and their families at the front door as well as those who tour campuses with them. There is no more appropriate expression in this situation as “you never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

What’s The Goal?

It’s important to make sure we put the right employees in the jobs that best fit them. In addition, we must also train these employees and go over contingency plans for certain situations that are bound to present themselves. We need to go that extra mile to make sure they not only understand but are able to live and express that culture you in which you want your community to be known. From the local Mexican food restaurant that I frequent to Senior Living communities that I visit, it appears that some management isn’t doing a good enough job of choosing the right person for the position or communicating desired outcomes to employees.

It’s important to stress to these employees how much they’re being counted on to acquire new customers and keep current customers happy. It’s amazing how much damage one misplaced or ill-trained employee can do to an organization, and often no one even realizes it until it’s too late.

Give me a call and let’s get started analyzing your front line, first contact team, policies, and procedures and developing a suitable solutions for your community. Today it’s more important than ever to have a plan and a backup plan in place to facilitate prospect inquiries. This can range from information on a phone to those wanting to tour your community. Let’s make sure your team is asking the right questions and offering the appropriate information to each and every prospect. With the proper plan in place you will see your close rates increase and resident acquisition cost decrease.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

What Really Happens During a Community Visit?

Every now and again I get out of the office and visit senior living communities to mystery shop. Some of these are on behalf of clients interested in what the competition is doing, and some are for the client community’s management to see how well the front line is performing. I am still amazed at both the good and the bad, and on a recent trip I experienced some of the best and the worst senior living communities have to offer.

The Good

As I got out of the car at one community I could hear fire truck and ambulance sirens. When I walked in there was a definite buzz. I was greeted in the lobby and asked to have a seat for just a minute. There was a stand up team meeting in progress in the lobby. It turns out that a resident had over cooked some toast and filled the building with smoke. Instead of panicking, the staff huddled for a couple minutes and then jumped into action. When the meeting broke up, I was taken on a tour and was very impressed with the way this situation was handled. The administrator never broke a sweat, lost her cool, or made a big deal of it. She handled it like a pro.

By the way, this community was way off the beaten path. It was a modestly appointed, 100+ resident community. However, it was 100% occupied with a wait list.

The Bad

On the same trip I went to a competing community. This community, while comparably priced, was at the opposite end of the location and design spectrum. It had a great waterfront location on a point right off a main highway. In addition, the building design, amenities and fixtures were fabulous, exactly like you would expect to find in a resort lodge.

I walked in about 3:30 pm to find a lady – a paid employee, not a resident – sitting behind a desk in the lobby reading a book. I asked if I could tour the community, and while she had a nice big smile, she proceeded to tell me that the person who would typically show me around was busy with a resident mixer. However, I could come back tomorrow or the next day. No attempt was made to accommodate me at the time of my visit.

If I were an out-of-town prospect, with only a small window of opportunity to check out communities, they would have just lost my business. It was no surprise to find the community had been in operation for two to three years and still only had a 50% occupancy rate.

What’s Going On in Your Community?

How is your staff interacting with your prospects and current residents? Are they expressing the kind of attitudes and culture in which you want to be known? Do you have the right people in the right positions? Are you communicating your expectations as well as the responsibilities involved in each position? Are you providing enough training and mentoring to your employees? Do you stress enough that communities are built around residents and their families?

If you don’t currently monitor or mystery shop your own community to see how your potential residents are being treated, you should consider doing so! You might be extremely surprised at what you find. Give me a call and I will be happy to set up an audit of your community’s sales and marketing programs and processes. I can provide you with a candid and unbiased assessment of how your team is doing. I can also provide you with the training and resources needed to take your team to the next level.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

MDS Would Like To Say Thanks To Loyal Readers With Complimentary Book Chapter and Special Offer


As our way of saying thank you to our blog subscribers we are offering A COMPLIMENTARY CHAPTER from Jim Moore’s “Independent Living and CCRCs, Survival, Success & Profitable Strategies for Not-For-Profit Sponsors and For-Profit Owner/Operators”, a must-read sequel to his previous BEST SELLING book “Assisted Living Strategies for Changing Markets”.   Current subscribers, please email and he will gladly forward your complimentary chapter.  If you are not yet a subscriber, simply subscribe to our blog TODAY by placing your email address in the sign up box on the far left hand side of this page and your chapter will automatically be sent to you.

As an added BONUS for our loyal followers (both new and old) we are offering this wonderful work of writing at a PROMOTIONAL RATE! Remember to sign up for our blog (if you haven’t already) and just click the link below to receive your own copy for the special promotional rate of ONLY $40 (shipping and handling included).   This book retails for over $60 with shipping and handling.

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG TODAY and take advantage of this special promotional price! (For a limited time while supplies last.)

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Addressing The Increasing Resident Entrance Age and Higher Acuity Trend

A few weeks ago we started talking about strategic planning for 2015. It reminded me of an article that Jim Moore, President of Moore Diversified Services (MDS), wrote a few months back titled “Your Top 5 Priorities for Success in 2014.”

 1. The increasing resident age and high acuity trend

 2. Aging physical plants

 3. Sustaining optimum operations and increasing value

 4. Sharpening the focus of increasing value

 5. Risk management needs are expanding

These top 5 suggestions are still very relevant going into the 2015 planning cycle. While you might have some idea of where you want to start your current planning efforts, these 5 would be worth giving some consideration. Over the next few weeks I will take a more in-depth look at each priority.

The definition of Senior Living is changing. There are no longer well defined buckets for Independent Living and Assisted Living. Today’s Senior Living prospects have an older entry age as well as different needs. Independent living has turned into a quasi-independent living and gone are the days of Assisted Living simply providing traditional assistance with activities of daily living in a secure environment. In today’s market it’s important to acknowledge a broad range of resident acuity where many of the residents no longer reside within two easily defined living arrangements – independent or assisted living. Here are four things to consider.

Offer a Catered Living Program
As I mentioned above, many of today’s Senior Living prospects no longer fall within Independent or Assisted living. To meet the needs of this evolving demographic, it’s necessary to offer potential residents the option of tailoring their senior living solution to suit their needs.

Develop a Formal Memory Care Program
Senior Living prospects as well as their families have a heightened awareness of Memory Care. As such, consider incorporating Dementia and special Memory Care settings into new construction or through extensive modification of an existing facility.

Change Product Mix
As the average age of Senior Living customers continues to rise, the need for assistance may increase. To address this, consider modifying your physical plant by increasing Assisted Living and decreasing Independent Living.

Create an Assistance in Living (AIL) program
If local regulations permit, consider creating an AIL program within Independent Living. AIL programs are a great way to help your independent living residents to maintain their independence.

These are just of a few points to think about in how to deal with the increased entry age and higher acuity levels of new residents. It’s also a great idea to talk to your sales team to find out what the trends are at your particular community. What are your prospects asking for? What are their needs and wants in a Senior Living solution?

While planning is very important and necessary, it can be a daunting task while trying to put out the day-to-day fires of any business, but even more so within the Senior Living industry. You have a great resource here at MDS. We have the expertise to help you with your planning needs, as well as in-depth knowledge of all facets of the industry. From new construction and repositioning to operations, marketing, employee retention, and the many other services we have provide over the years, we can help you develop a successful plan for the future of your organization.

MDS’ Retainer Relationship or “Shared Executive” program is a great way to address your strategic planning and monitoring needs all year long. As strategic needs within your operation arise, this program is a great alternative to hiring a full-time executive. You get all the knowledge and industry experience at a fraction of the cost. In the coming weeks, I will outline the program more in-depth. Until then, feel free to give me a call and I will be glad to discuss your individual needs.

Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas, based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Was That Really The Question? Ways to Encourage Employee Engagement (part 2 of 3)

In this 3-part blog series , we’re exploring ways to better engage your employees within your company. Last time we discussed hiring individuals who fit within your current corporate culture. Today we’ll take a look at the importance of communication as well as providing growth opportunities for employees.


Once you have the right people in place communication is still imperative. Employees want to see that upper management is transparent and that they buy into this process. As I mentioned before, employees can spot a con job a mile away. Look at employees as valued team members. It’s much easier when management and employees are all pulling the wagon in the same direction. To ensure the success of your employees is to ensure the success of you and your business. They must be viewed as having something of value to contribute to the process of providing an excellent customer experience.

Take the time to really get to know your employees. Be visible. Be engaged yourself. And I’m not talking about just knowing their names and what departments they work in, but who they really are and what their lives are really about. Of course this task can be delegated. In a large company a CEO may not know the entire story about each employee, but there should be managers in between who do.

Growth Opportunities

It’s important to provide good employees with different methods of expanding their horizons. This can range from the necessary training needed for them to excel in their current position, as well as cross training for other jobs within their department or within the company in general.

Other growth opportunities may include expanding employee responsibilities, delegating specific tasks to them, and of course providing them with the opportunity for upward mobility within the company. Instead of handing down edicts from the top and letting them trickle down to the bottom, form teams where employees have a chance to collaborate and help set policies. We have to remember that frontline employees are the ones who know what the customer is looking for and what the roadblocks are to providing excellent customer service.

I look forward to seeing you next time as we continue to explore ways to engage your employees.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas, based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.


Was That Really The Question? Ways to Encourage Employee Engagement (part 1 of 3)

The other day I saw this question posed to others in a forum, “what do you do to show your employees they are involved?” The obvious answer to me was, don’t just try to show them, actually get them involved.

I’m sure the intent of the question was supposed to be “how do you involve your employees,” but it didn’t really come across that way. This does bring up the question of do you only do things to try to “show” employees they are engaged, or do you actually involve them? The point being is that if you truly involve your employees, you shouldn’t have to look for ways to appear that you are. Employees are very perceptive when programs or the latest buzz words are being hyped. However, if these programs are not actual practices in their workplace, it comes across as if management is trying to pull a fast one on them.

I’ve seen surveys published where less than 30% of the workforce feels engaged. A 2013 Career Builder survey found that 77% of “full-time employed workers are open to, or actively looking for, new job opportunities.”   There is a lot of lost productivity due to these staggering numbers. And don’t think for one minute that the lackluster attitude doesn’t trickle down to the quality of service and attention your customers receive.

In this 3-part blog series, we’ll explore ways to make sure your employees feel truly engaged to help you with employee retention as well as ensure your customers receive quality service.

Where To Start

There is no end-all, be-all list of engagement ideas. Some techniques will depend upon your business model, you and your employees’ personalities, what motivates your employees, and what you view as quality outcomes for your customers.

It’s usually best to start at the beginning with the hiring process. Find candidates that mesh well with your current corporate culture. You can always teach and train to skill. Make sure you take the time to orient employees not only into their job, but into the company culture. Unfortunately, this step is often not comprehensive, a low priority, or skipped altogether.

Make sure to join me next time as we continue to explore ways to engage your employees.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas, based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Are You Happy With Your First Half 2014 Financial Results?

By Roy Barker

As we move into the second half of 2014, are you happy with your community’s financial results? Are community’s occupancy levels good but you’re still dealing with lower Net Operating Income (NOI), cash flow, and margins?

There’s still time to make changes by the end of the year that can create a positive impact, and Moore Diversified Services, Inc. (MDS) is ready to help. We’re halfway through the year, but there’s still time to have a positive impact on your bottom line.

You might be surprised at how making small changes can result in increased NOI. For example, if an average 80 unit community at 93% occupancy could save just $1 per resident day (PRD), that would equate to $27,000 per year. Even at this point, that could mean an additional $10,000 to $15,000 of NOI in calendar year 2014, and that’s just on $1 PRD of savings! What a great outcome by the end of the year.

Continue reading “Are You Happy With Your First Half 2014 Financial Results?”