Was That Really The Question? Ways to Encourage Employee Engagement (part 1 of 3)

The other day I saw this question posed to others in a forum, “what do you do to show your employees they are involved?” The obvious answer to me was, don’t just try to show them, actually get them involved.

I’m sure the intent of the question was supposed to be “how do you involve your employees,” but it didn’t really come across that way. This does bring up the question of do you only do things to try to “show” employees they are engaged, or do you actually involve them? The point being is that if you truly involve your employees, you shouldn’t have to look for ways to appear that you are. Employees are very perceptive when programs or the latest buzz words are being hyped. However, if these programs are not actual practices in their workplace, it comes across as if management is trying to pull a fast one on them.

I’ve seen surveys published where less than 30% of the workforce feels engaged. A 2013 Career Builder survey found that 77% of “full-time employed workers are open to, or actively looking for, new job opportunities.”   There is a lot of lost productivity due to these staggering numbers. And don’t think for one minute that the lackluster attitude doesn’t trickle down to the quality of service and attention your customers receive.

In this 3-part blog series, we’ll explore ways to make sure your employees feel truly engaged to help you with employee retention as well as ensure your customers receive quality service.

Where To Start

There is no end-all, be-all list of engagement ideas. Some techniques will depend upon your business model, you and your employees’ personalities, what motivates your employees, and what you view as quality outcomes for your customers.

It’s usually best to start at the beginning with the hiring process. Find candidates that mesh well with your current corporate culture. You can always teach and train to skill. Make sure you take the time to orient employees not only into their job, but into the company culture. Unfortunately, this step is often not comprehensive, a low priority, or skipped altogether.

Make sure to join me next time as we continue to explore ways to engage your employees.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas, based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

In Whose Hands Have You Placed Your Reputation and Business?

By Roy Barker

Many people answer this question with our executives, the higher-ups, and those employees who engage the consumer. All of these choices are correct, but in the consumer’s mind the employee helping him or her is the only voice and/or face of your company.

Are your phones being answered in a timely manner? Is the voice on the other end friendly and helpful? Are visitors greeted with a friendly smile? Is your intended message being delivered by employees through their actions?

Front line employees are the ones customers base their purchasing decisions on. Quality of service is key to producing happy residents, resident/employee referrals, and added value to your company. How many times have you gone out of your way to bypass a business because the one a mile down the road has better customer service, or has gone the extra mile to resolve an issue? This happens to Senior Living communities every day because of the way a prospect was handled or not handled on the phone. Most communities are unaware of a missed opportunity.

Questions To Ask

Questions you should now be asking yourself are: am I hiring the best individuals for the task? MDS believes the first step in quality customer service is hiring the right individual. The right individual may not always be the most qualified. In most instances, it is better to base hiring on attitude, personality, and corporate culture fit, and then train skills. This may take more time in the hiring and training process but will payoff in the long run through better quality service and longevity of the employee’s tenure with the company.

Next question: are your new hires being properly oriented into the company and company culture in their new positions, as well as receiving continued training? Employees should initially be trained through orientation and continued on a regular schedule thereafter. Training gives employees empowerment, competence, and confidence to do their job well resulting in a satisfied customer and employee. Even after you have gone through the previous steps you must still monitor and spot check to insure job duties are being carried out the way you want and expect them to be.

MDS can help you help your employees, customers, and bottom line through providing orientation and training materials, on-site training sessions, over the phone coaching, and group seminars to ensure your team has the tools needed to be successful and provide an excellent customer service experience to current and future clients. MDS also has many years of experience in mystery shopping communities to gather firsthand knowledge of the feel and attitude of a community, as well as monitoring results on an ongoing basis.

I look forward to working with you and your community’s professional team in the very near future. Contact me directly to set up an initial consultation and let’s start the process to an improved customer service experience, higher occupancy rates, and a healthier bottom line.