What Does Your Customer Service Say about Your Community’s Culture?

Does your senior living community, including your staff, express a can-do spirit? Do they have a mindset that is resident focused? Are they able to see the positive and not growl about everything? Do they work on fixing what’s wrong instead of griping about it? How much thought do you really put into personnel placement and training? These are a few questions to examine with regards to how you express your company’s culture to your residents, those who work within your company, and those outside of your walls.

I recently read a blog on LinkedIn  which garnered a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons, but it had a good message. The blog described the advice a venture capitalist had for the young twenty something in whose startup he was investing $150 million. To paraphrase the conversation, the venture capitalist advised, “Don’t mess up the company culture, that’s what I’m investing in.”

Unintended Culture Shift

Unfortunately, it tends to happen in most industries. As companies grow and hire more and more people, they tend to drift away from the core values and culture that made them a success. It takes a lot of effort to stay the course to retain your company culture. You have to hire the right people, develop a successful orientation process as well as an ongoing training program, monitor your employees’ actions and outcomes, and adjust as the need arises.

And as the old saying goes, the commitment to a positive company culture starts at the very top. I don’t mean just knowing about it, reading about it, preaching about it, I mean really LIVING IT 31! (For those of you out of the loop on the newest lingo, 31 is the old 24/7, just 24+7. And if you’re wondering, no I‘m not that cool, I was recently schooled by my younger, hipper nephews).

Personnel Assignments

Did you ever stop to think about how that particular person got into that particular job? Sometimes it’s the person that has been around the longest or has the lowest in seniority. Maybe the employee asked for the job, or maybe they were the first applicant that could pass a background check. There are many examples of employees that just ended up in a job and no thought was given to whether they were a good fit and exemplified your community culture to its fullest.

It would be easy to write a novel on employee placement and training, which covers all the different positions in a senior living community. However, I would like to focus on those employees you have put in a position of initial contact with your potential residents and their families. I’m specifically talking about those employees who answer your phones or greet your prospective residents and their families at the front door as well as those who tour campuses with them. There is no more appropriate expression in this situation as “you never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

What’s The Goal?

It’s important to make sure we put the right employees in the jobs that best fit them. In addition, we must also train these employees and go over contingency plans for certain situations that are bound to present themselves. We need to go that extra mile to make sure they not only understand but are able to live and express that culture you in which you want your community to be known. From the local Mexican food restaurant that I frequent to Senior Living communities that I visit, it appears that some management isn’t doing a good enough job of choosing the right person for the position or communicating desired outcomes to employees.

It’s important to stress to these employees how much they’re being counted on to acquire new customers and keep current customers happy. It’s amazing how much damage one misplaced or ill-trained employee can do to an organization, and often no one even realizes it until it’s too late.

Give me a call and let’s get started analyzing your front line, first contact team, policies, and procedures and developing a suitable solutions for your community. Today it’s more important than ever to have a plan and a backup plan in place to facilitate prospect inquiries. This can range from information on a phone to those wanting to tour your community. Let’s make sure your team is asking the right questions and offering the appropriate information to each and every prospect. With the proper plan in place you will see your close rates increase and resident acquisition cost decrease.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

MDS Would Like To Say Thanks To Loyal Readers With Complimentary Book Chapter and Special Offer


As our way of saying thank you to our blog subscribers we are offering A COMPLIMENTARY CHAPTER from Jim Moore’s “Independent Living and CCRCs, Survival, Success & Profitable Strategies for Not-For-Profit Sponsors and For-Profit Owner/Operators”, a must-read sequel to his previous BEST SELLING book “Assisted Living Strategies for Changing Markets”.   Current subscribers, please email roybarker@m-d-s.com and he will gladly forward your complimentary chapter.  If you are not yet a subscriber, simply subscribe to our blog TODAY by placing your email address in the sign up box on the far left hand side of this page and your chapter will automatically be sent to you.

As an added BONUS for our loyal followers (both new and old) we are offering this wonderful work of writing at a PROMOTIONAL RATE! Remember to sign up for our blog (if you haven’t already) and just click the link below to receive your own copy for the special promotional rate of ONLY $40 (shipping and handling included).   This book retails for over $60 with shipping and handling.

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Don’t Learn the Hard Way: Doing Business in a Foreign Country

There are certainly many obstacles to doing business in a foreign country. Some of these obstacles include the language barrier, different customs, different laws, and overzealous contractors or agents operating thousands of miles away from you. I was reminded of the latter when I recently came across two similar stories in two different industries.

The first story I saw had to do with an oil company doing business in a foreign country. In this instance, the oil company got a contract with the help of a local agent. The agent became a partner with the company. The country held a national election, which resulted in a change of leadership. The new leadership was not happy with the contract. Allegations of bribery soon followed, which resulted in an investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

While the story didn’t go so far as to say whether or not there was a finding by a legal authority of bribery, the damage to the company was already done. The company was not only distracted, but spent time and money during the investigation. In addition, the company suffered a huge loss of value, tangible assets, and trust the U.S. financial markets, the people and government of the foreign company.

I then read an article in the Wall Street Journal about a couple that was arrested and convicted of purchasing private information of Chinese citizens as part of a due diligence project for GlaxoSmithKline PLC. While it sounds like the pair was involved in something illegal, it’s a reminder that oversight and compliance are critical for doing business overseas. Choosing the wrong associate can have huge implications for you and your company.

These events highlight the importance of choosing your business partners carefully. It’s critical to select an experienced partner dedicated to keeping your company in compliance with foreign rules and regulations. If you have projects foreign or domestic, contact MDS to put its more than 40 years of experience to work for you.

Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Was That Really The Question? Ways to Encourage Employee Engagement (part 3 of 3)

We’re at the end of our blog series focusing on ways to better engage your employees. Last week, we discussed the importance of communication and ways to provide employees with growth opportunities. Today we’ll look at the importance of having fun,as well as, remembering to say thank you.

Remember to Have Fun

While work has that name for a reason, it shouldn’t be drudgery. Inherently, there is usually enough stress involved in getting projects and products out the door to customers. Leaders should make sure they’re not adding extra pressure to this process.

Remember to celebrate more. Acknowledge the success of employees, projects, and any other milestones reached. Celebrations don’t have to be elaborate. It can be as simple as taking somebody a cookie and a Route 44 Coke from Sonic.

Take the time to plan activities for employees and their families outside the office walls. This idea is a little more challenging but very important. Plan lunch out at a favorite local restaurant or a picnic at the local park. This is a great way to get to know your employees and their families. While it’s not always feasible for larger companies to get everyone together at once, it can be done on a departmental level.

I’m not sure why this phenomenon happens, but the advent of computers, cell phones, and the other marvelous technology was supposed to provide us with more free time. Let’s face it. That just hasn’t happened. It seems that we’re all busier now than at any time in the past. That’s why I think it’s very important that we make the extra effort to make these get-togethers happen. Even if that means knocking off work a little bit early and giving employees a chance to participate while on the clock.

Say Thank You…..Often

Enough said really. Get in the habit of saying thank you. When you see employees walking down the hall, stop and thank them. Stick your head in an office or cubicle and say thank you for a job well done. There’s a great misconception that employees typically leave a company for money. Research and my personal experience has shown that not to be true for the majority. Typically, employees leave because they do not feel appreciated. Most of the time all they want is to be acknowledged for a job well done. A simple thank you goes a very long way to engaging employees and creating a nurturing atmosphere.

These are just a few of the many ways to encourage employee engagement. Do some research on your own or let us help you. Find out what’s going on in your company and what your employees desire. You can do electronic surveys. However, it’s always best to have that human involvement. So get out of your office and go talk to your employees. Really listen to how they feel about the company and its processes and procedures. It will go a long way to building trust with employees, and that’s a great first step.

Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Where Has 2014 Gone?

By Roy Barker

I woke up this morning like any normal morning. Stumbled to the coffee pot, ran out and got the paper (yes I still have one thrown), checked some emails as I looked out the window at another beautiful sunny 81 degree morning. For those of you that have not spent a lot of time in Texas, any August morning below 90 degrees is a winner!

So I’m looking at my schedule wondering how it got so messed up that I’m in Texas during this time of year and not enjoying the beautiful Massachusetts coast right now, but that’s another discussion. As I am contemplating this dilemma, I get a calendar tickler about setting some January 2015 communication goals. Really! 2015! Where has 2014 gone?   It was just last week I was relating how there is still time to make changes, which can have a positive effect by the end of 2014. Now I am writing to say, oh by the way, we also need to start thinking about 2015, if not NOW, at least very shortly.

So let’s talk a little about planning for 2015. Strategic Planning can eliminate stress and surprises by setting clearly defined goals for your company and/or community and communicating them to your employees. It can ignite creativity with your staff and stoke efforts for positive changes.

It’s beneficial to create a sound plan so you can allocate your resources, both financial and human, to accomplish your main goals. Strategic Planning can provide a guidepost to measure progress and indicate where changes need to be made. With everyone on the same organized page, you can expect to see goals accomplished, greater productivity, and a happier workforce.

Here are a couple things you will need to keep in mind while getting ready to start your Strategic Planning process.

  • You will need to perform a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats). There is a lot of documentation out there on this process. Remember the Strengths and Weakness are internal and the Opportunities and Threats are external. I think this is such a great opportunity for every company to really see who they are and where they are at today. You have to know where you are in order to find the most appropriate path to where you want to be.
  • Involve your team. This should be a combination of those from your management team, positive and creative individuals within your company, and leaders in the workforce. Start early enough to where you can poll all employees with a problem solution proposition. It’s important to find out what road blocks front line employees are encountering in providing excellent customer service. It’s important to get employee buy-in to changes that need to be made.
  • Strategic planning is not a onetime event. Have a few shorter meetings rather than trying to cram everything into a onetime event. This will help reduce interruptions and also give those involved time to really think about the items in play and how best to proceed.
  • Start early. Give yourself and your team time. I know there are some of you that already have this on the calendar for December 31st at 3pm. While I applaud you for your forward thinking, you may want to build in a little more of a time cushion. Give your team time to prepare, send out some general topics for them to start reflecting on.
  • No interruptions. This is another good reason why scheduling a few shorter sessions is better than one long one. Make sure phones are off and subordinates are aware that there are to be no interruptions except for true emergencies. I will go out on a limb here and say that NO, a change in tee time, while disturbing, should not be considered as a true emergency. To help combat normal business interruptions it is recommended holding these meetings at an off-site location
  • Don’t let this turn into a gripe session. This is most important for the functionality of the time committed but also the attitude the group takes on going forward. This is not the time to talk about the water cooler that is warm or replacing a worn out printer. Those are normal maintenance issues that already have a channel for resolution. While we have to talk about what we want to change and why, focus on positive. What can we accomplish? What are our solution options?
  • Cost of solutions/changes. We must take into account the cost of changes or solutions to issues. It is important to have someone with knowledge of your company’s actual budget on the strategic planning team. Are making the changes realistic? Can you find the money to do it? While you may have to push the budget envelop in order to get real changes made, it is always better to be able to plan within your budget parameters. This also gets back to starting early. If you do have some costly items to address, it gives you and your team time to incorporate them into the 2015 budget.
  • Work with a knowledgeable facilitator. It’s always good to have someone from the outside present in these meetings. It’s an even bigger benefit to have a facilitator that is familiar with the industry as well as strategic planning. A good facilitator will help keep the meetings moving and productive, keep the group on task, and provide insight into the process where necessary, and be the impartial voice of reason where cooler heads prevail if/when discussions get heated.
  • Make the process fun! I know this can be difficult, but it is important to get everyone to rally behind the fact change will be good. This should be a light air of collaboration. Even though there may be some hierarchical challenges in the room, it’s imperative to rid this process of intimidation if you want the best ideas and eventual buy-in.
  • Buy-in at the top. You can’t fake this. Well you can, but it’s very easy to spot someone going through the motions that is not completely sold on the process or its results. Give your staff credit, they are smart enough to know the difference and they don’t even have to be on the same campus as you. Believe me when I tell you, it will show through many, many miles away.

I know it may seem crazy to start thinking about 2015 while we’re still in the Dog Days of Summer, but it will be here before you know it. School will be starting soon and then we will be into the Holiday Season before we know it. Give some thought as to who in your organization would be a positive influence on this process. What are some things you would like to see changed? More importantly, what are some things your prospects, customers, clients, resident, vendors, staff, and partners want to see changed? If you don’t know what these are, now would be a great time to conduct surveys or focus groups to find out.

Don’t wait much longer to get the process of Strategic Planning for 2015 underway! Give me a call and let’s put MDS’ 40+ years of experience to work for you and your team mapping out a great plan for 2015!


New Day, New Week, New Month – A Whole Lot of "New"

Monday July 1st has arrived! We are half way through 2013; how is your community doing? Look back at the goals you set for the year and evaluate how you are doing.  

  •  Financial goals and progress
  • Customer  Service Improvement
  • Resident Activity Program enhancements
  • Employee Training and Satisfaction
  • Sales, Marketing and Social Media Campaigns
  • Dining Service Improvements
  • Operating Efficiencies
  • Internal Communications

Now is a great time to re-evaluate and recommit to your goals and objectives. 

Are you a Dunks or Starbucks?

As I was getting my morning coffee at Dunkin Donuts, I was looking around and had a stark realization.  Dunks and Starbucks are both very successful business models that serve basically the same products and yet have very different environments and price points.  Coming from the South I had never given it much thought, it was pretty much Starbucks with Dunks just starting to develop properties in the area.  But now, residing in the Boston area, Dunks is king with Starbucks just now making inroads here and it made me wonder why I didn’t have a favorite.  Why do I patronize both just about equally?

And how does this tie into senior living?  Employees of this industry drink a lot of coffee and coffee off-shoots and, as I go through the observations that I recently put together about the coffee shops, I think it will become clear how this relates to senior living.

Environmental Differences

While Dunks newer and larger stores may be furnished a little differently, most I have been in are furnished – with tile floors, a few metal tables and chairs, and some cardboard displays for products.   Starbucks tends to be furnished in a warm relaxed manner just like your living room, begging you to take a seat, with carpeted areas, comfortable chairs, over stuffed couches, with wooden tables and product display stands.

Product Variations

While both Dunks and Starbucks primary products are coffee based, there are some slight variances in selections available and other offerings. Dunks is breakfast based with a great selection of donuts, hot sandwiches, and bagel based menu items, whereas Starbucks is more pastry driven with selections of juices, fruit, yogurt and granola products.

Different Needs Different Destinations

I am a big fan of both Starbucks and Dunks and, while I can afford both, I tend to frequent them for very different reasons.  If I am just picking up some coffee and donuts, taking the kids for a treat before school, meeting a friend from the town in which I live, or doing the late night “have to stay awake” run, Dunk’s is the go to place.  You might typically see the retired patrons or those on the way to work sitting at a table for their morning coffee and some quick local conversation.

If I am meeting a client or a vendor, needing a quiet place to get some work done while on the road, relaxing while reading, or working on the next awesome blog, Starbucks is where I head.  I usually see people with computers open and working or playing hard. I also see groups that meet every week at the same time, as well as those with a good book in a nice big chair.


While geography can play a part in the selection, the locations of both Dunks and Starbucks that I frequent are separated by a parking lot.  That is not to say that when I am traveling, I will drive out of my way to patronize the brand that meets my specific objective for that trip, thanks in part to both having great apps!

How Does Your Market Stack Up?

So what is the senior living take away from this comparison?  Mainly that each community is built and decorated differently and offers a wide and differing array of services and amenities, and, certainly, different price points.  Of course, we have the vast differences of living and care in the major categories such as Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Skilled Nursing Care, but there also exist an opportunity to have different types of communities within each continuum of living or care – in terms of quality, service offerings and price point/affordability.  One of the main objectives for a successful project is to make sure that you are appropriately positioned for the target market to be served at your location.

This is where MDS can help.  We have over 40 years’ experience in the senior living and health care industry and the saying “There is no substitute for experience” was never more appropriate.  MDS has conducted over 2,000 comprehensive consulting engagements in over 750 markets in 49 states.  Give us a call for your comprehensive market and financial analysis, as well as other senior living consulting needs.

As a Senior Living Operator Are You Prepared For The Future of Senior Living?

by: Roy Barker, Director – Special Projects at MDS

As a senior housing operator do you find yourself simply managing the day to day activities in your community and neglecting long term planning?  Between the constantly changing resident’s needs, family matters that require immediate attention, dynamic staffing needs, dealing with vendors, and the changing economy, when do you find time to perform real quality strategic planning for your residents, staff, and facility in general?  While trying to put out the operating fires of today, can you really afford not to plan for the future?  Well the future is upon us!

As you know all too well, resident profiles are constantly changing.  But what are you doing to stay on the leading edge of what it takes to attract and retain senior residents today and in the future?  While resident entrance ages are going up, today’s seniors are more sophisticated. They also want more services and amenities than those residents in the past.  According to some reports, the average entrance age of Assisted Living residents is actually younger than those of Independent living residents.  While these shifting resident demographics are an entire set of challenges themselves, they do not even address other changes that operators must now deal with such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), declining reimbursement rates, depressed home prices, and a generally stagnate economy.

Let MDS help you navigate the changing landscape by providing you with a structured Strategic Planning Process.  We can help you navigate the changing senior living landscape and provide direction for your organization to stay on the leading edge of what senior housing has to offer.