
Are you a Dunks or Starbucks?

As I was getting my morning coffee at Dunkin Donuts, I was looking around and had a stark realization.  Dunks and Starbucks are both very successful business models that serve basically the same products and yet have very different environments and price points.  Coming from the South I had never given it much thought, it was pretty much Starbucks with Dunks just starting to develop properties in the area.  But now, residing in the Boston area, Dunks is king with Starbucks just now making inroads here and it made me wonder why I didn’t have a favorite.  Why do I patronize both just about equally?

And how does this tie into senior living?  Employees of this industry drink a lot of coffee and coffee off-shoots and, as I go through the observations that I recently put together about the coffee shops, I think it will become clear how this relates to senior living.

Environmental Differences

While Dunks newer and larger stores may be furnished a little differently, most I have been in are furnished – with tile floors, a few metal tables and chairs, and some cardboard displays for products.   Starbucks tends to be furnished in a warm relaxed manner just like your living room, begging you to take a seat, with carpeted areas, comfortable chairs, over stuffed couches, with wooden tables and product display stands.

Product Variations

While both Dunks and Starbucks primary products are coffee based, there are some slight variances in selections available and other offerings. Dunks is breakfast based with a great selection of donuts, hot sandwiches, and bagel based menu items, whereas Starbucks is more pastry driven with selections of juices, fruit, yogurt and granola products.

Different Needs Different Destinations

I am a big fan of both Starbucks and Dunks and, while I can afford both, I tend to frequent them for very different reasons.  If I am just picking up some coffee and donuts, taking the kids for a treat before school, meeting a friend from the town in which I live, or doing the late night “have to stay awake” run, Dunk’s is the go to place.  You might typically see the retired patrons or those on the way to work sitting at a table for their morning coffee and some quick local conversation.

If I am meeting a client or a vendor, needing a quiet place to get some work done while on the road, relaxing while reading, or working on the next awesome blog, Starbucks is where I head.  I usually see people with computers open and working or playing hard. I also see groups that meet every week at the same time, as well as those with a good book in a nice big chair.


While geography can play a part in the selection, the locations of both Dunks and Starbucks that I frequent are separated by a parking lot.  That is not to say that when I am traveling, I will drive out of my way to patronize the brand that meets my specific objective for that trip, thanks in part to both having great apps!

How Does Your Market Stack Up?

So what is the senior living take away from this comparison?  Mainly that each community is built and decorated differently and offers a wide and differing array of services and amenities, and, certainly, different price points.  Of course, we have the vast differences of living and care in the major categories such as Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Skilled Nursing Care, but there also exist an opportunity to have different types of communities within each continuum of living or care – in terms of quality, service offerings and price point/affordability.  One of the main objectives for a successful project is to make sure that you are appropriately positioned for the target market to be served at your location.

This is where MDS can help.  We have over 40 years’ experience in the senior living and health care industry and the saying “There is no substitute for experience” was never more appropriate.  MDS has conducted over 2,000 comprehensive consulting engagements in over 750 markets in 49 states.  Give us a call for your comprehensive market and financial analysis, as well as other senior living consulting needs.

You Know You Have Company Policies, But Do You Know What They Actually Say?

When was the last time you pulled out your company policy and procedures manual? When was the last time you actually looked at or read your company policies?  We always hope that operations are carrying on smoothly enough that we don’t NEED to refer to them. But, it is a good idea to review company policies on a regular and frequent basis.

Your company policy and procedure manual should be considered a living document that grows, develops, and changes as dictated by the operating environment as well as relevant laws, evolving regulations and corporate missions.  Have you provided your employees a written copy of your policies with appropriate training and explanation?  Have you provided and explained your policies and procedures to your residents?

Along with periodic reviews and revisions by company executives and management, it is a good idea to also cover these policies with new as well as existing employees on a regular basis. While you can have the best collection of company policies written, if employees are unaware of their existence or not sure how to interpret them, the policies will be useless.  Policy clarification is essential as interpretation can vary from employee to employee. Consider doing this review, revision (if necessary) and training on a yearly basis.

It is also a good idea to solicit feedback to real world situations employees may encounter during normal and abnormal operating conditions. Role playing and “what if” scenarios can serve as effective, interactive training. The more your policies are discussed with employees, the greater understanding they will have or at least have the chance to ask clarifying questions.  Even the best written policies will be open to interpretation by employees both in normal operation and crises situations, and policies that are interpreted to liberally or too narrowly can be detrimental to the company, your employees, and your residents.

MDS can help with your policy and procedure development and review.  We can conduct an executive retreat to address outdated policies, help you develop employee training and provide you resources for use during training.

Are We REALLY Listening?

Your lips are moving but I can’t hear what you are saying, or maybe I am not listening.  After a couple of sloppy customer service incidents this week it made me ask the question, when people speak are we just hearing them or actually listening to them? Hearing, but not truly listening happens in our business life, as a boss, as an employee, as a co-worker and even as the client. But it also happens as a spouse, father, brother, son, as well as any other relationship that engages in conversation.

You might ask, “What is the difference?” In general, hearing is the acknowledgment of sound without regards to understanding, whereas listening is making an effort to process and understand what is being said.

I would imagine that we are guilty of not being a great listener at some time or another, myself included, but why? Are we so eager to speak that we can’t even finish listening to the other person before we are already forming our thoughts and ideas, that we miss the rest of what the other person is saying? Maybe even overlooking very important details? Are we so eager to show them what we know that we hear what we want to hear, not what they actually said or asked for? Sometimes even if we listen closely, we can even think we know what’s best for the other person despite what they might want or really need.

The implications of not proactively listening can range from hurt feelings to a missed sale to missed diagnosis. It can also result in repeating tasks over again because we did not listen to instructions, losing a customer because we did not give them what they truly asked for, putting ourselves in harm’s way, and many other undesirable situations depending upon the roles of the communicators. The cost associated with not listening is very hard to quantify but they are extremely high.

Listening is a learned skill and takes active participation. Here are some keys to really listening:

  • Being a good listener is a deliberate action. It takes patience and practice. If we are already poor listeners, we may have some bad habits to break. But we can develop into good listeners.
  • Look directly at the speaker to avoid environmental distraction.
  • Look for non-verbal clues, body language, facial expressions, tone/pitch of voice
  • Avoid “preparing” your rebuttal or response in your mind WHILE the speaker is still speaking.
  • Do not interrupt the speaker! We can’t listen while talking and we can’t have an appropriate response if we don’t have the speaker’s full thoughts. That is why God gave us two ears and only one mouth, we should be listening twice as much as we talk!

So the next time you’re in a conversation, no matter who it’s with, make sure you take the time to really listen to what they have to say. It might change the entire outcome of the conversation.

MDS prides itself on listening to our clients’ wants and needs so we can serve them accurately and efficiently. Are you really listening to YOUR clients, your residents?  MDS can help you set up a survey to see if you are really hearing your residents/prospective resident’s needs with a satisfaction survey and/or a lost prospect survey.


Go West Young Man…and Woman



Jim Moore, along with Joe Roche of The Roche Associates, Inc., is scheduled to speak at the California Assisted Living Association (CALA) Spring Conference in June. This conference is scheduled for June 3-5, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, California.

The topic to be addressed in this 90 minute session is Maximizing Efficiencies and Revenues in Today’s Competitive Environment.  Important information you do not want to miss!


For more information or to register, please visit:



Is This How You Feel About Your Marketing Message?


Do you struggle with what marketing message you will put on your website this month, what you will blog about this week, what snippet you will use to update your social media channels? Do you feel like waiting till warmer weather to update your electronic media?  Do you sometimes feel inspired and sometimes you just don’t have a clue what you want to say next?

This is a very common occurrence and happens to most of us from time to time.  At a recent meeting as our team was discussing our future topics, it occurred to me that we sometimes get bogged down by thinking that the next subject has to be a blockbuster of an idea, more clever than the last post, or filled with more facts than Wikipedia when it really doesn’t have to be that difficult.

You have a great product that you feel very passionately about and work with everyday.  You more than likely have industry knowledge or at least access to those in your company that do.  The information you have at your fingertips is enormous.  Don’t make it harder than it has to be.  Get back to the basics, get to the point and state your message. State it clearly where your audience can understand it, keep it simple as in not to technical, and use pictures or info graphics when appropriate.  There is no shame in a simple concise message.  Don’t feel you always have to outdo your last great idea.  Have confidence in what you have to say.  Putting out useful information on a consistent basis is the key to building a loyal following.

MDS Has Established A New England (Boston) Satellite Office


For the past 42 years, the main office of MDS has been in Fort Worth, Texas – focusing exclusively on Senior living and health care.  MDS is now establishing a New England satellite office in Boston.  This decision was influenced by two primary objectives: 1) to serve existing New England clients and 2) to develop and respond to new opportunities.

Roy Barker, a seasoned MDS staff member for the past 12 years, has relocated to the Boston area and will coordinate the New England operations.  Roy has a depth of experience in Senior living and health care.  Roy has a Master’s Degree in Applied Gerontology – Long Term Care, Senior Housing and Aging Services from the University of North Texas.  Roy also holds a BBA in Finance from UNT.  UNT has had a major national focus on Senior living and health care for a number of years.

The full resources of the MDS main office involving personnel and data base will provide continuing support for the new office.  MDS looks forward to a very close interactive involvement with our existing New England clients and establishing new relationships in 2013 and beyond.  Feel free to contact the following for additional information.

Roy Barker
Jim Moore
 Moore Diversified Service, Inc. (MDS) is a national leader in conducting broad-based consulting, market research and market feasibility studies in the Seniors housing and health care industries. The firm has pioneered creative market feasibility methodologies and marketing strategies relative to these ever-changing, complex market segments. To learn more about our company, visit


When a Goal is More Than Just a Goal

We talked briefly about setting goals for the new year.  Remember, goals are a valuable tool which help you focus.  But for them to be effective, they must be:


Specific – Clearly define your goal.  Do not be vague or general.  Give your goal a what, a why and a how.

Measurable – How will you know you have reached your goal? Give it a number; a total, a percentage, an amount.

Achievable -Goals you set which are too far out of your reach, you probably won’t commit to doing.

Realistic – This is not a synonym for easy. Realistic, in this case, means do-able. Too difficult and you set the stage for failure, but too low sends the message that you aren’t very capable.

Timely – Set a time limit for the goal: for next week, in three months, by Jan 2014. Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards.


Now that you have set your SMART goals, the fun has just begun.  To reach your goals, you now must have a plan and some follow through.  Be sure to clearly delegate tasks, conduct follow up and evaluate both individual and overall performance.

Start today and take that first step towards reaching our goals and improving your business and your community.

Jim Moore to Moderate Panel on Acute Care and Post-Acute Care Integration

MDS would like to announce that Jim Moore, President Moore Diversified Services, Inc.  will be moderating/speaking at an upcoming Senior Living Business Interactive webcast, Acute Care and Post-Acute Care Integration: What Does It Mean For You?  It takes place on February 7 at 1:00 PM ET, hosted by Irving Levin Associates. 

Effective January 3, 2013, the Affordable Care Act requires doctors, hospitals and other health care providers – including long-term care facilities – to coordinate care provided to Medicare patients through Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). In return, incentives reward ACOs based on lowering the cost of providing health care services and meeting benchmark levels for quality care. Our expert panelists will share their advice on how post-acute care specialists can best integrate with acute-care providers.

This expert panel will be addressing topics such as:

  • The opportunity for providers as the nation moves towards a managed-care model.
  • The readiness/willingness of hospitals to participate in ACOs.
  • The likelihood that these new business relationships will enhance revenue and occupancy.
  • The risks or challenges of participation in an ACO.

They will also share their advice on how post-acute care specialists should position themselves to partner with acute-care providers.

More information about this webcast and purchasing options can be found through the following link:

February 7, 2013, 1-2:30 pm ET (12-1:30 CT)

Senior Living Business – Interactive Webcast            

“Acute Care and Post-Acute Care Integration: What Does It Mean For You?”


• Jim Moore, President, Moore Diversified Services


• Rebecca Neff Townsend, Senior Vice President, Ziegler

• Kimber L. Latsha, Managing Partner, Latsha Davis & McKenna

• William R. Pomeranz, Managing Director, Cain Brothers

• Daniel H. Gray, President, Continuum Development Services

For additional information and registration:

Or contact Jane Zarem at 203-226-9188

New Year, New Plan

There is no better time than NOW, the beginning of a New Year, to look back and more importantly, to look FORWARD.  It is time to make a plan for growth and success.  Evaluate where you are, set some new and challenging goals, make a plan and LET”S GO!

It’s time to focus on two frequently heard sound bites:

  • “What happened to the good old days?”
  • “Senior living is not what it used to be.”

I’ll add a third one to think about:

  • “A recession is a terrible opportunity to waste”

Our industry is fundamentally sound, but both the external economic environment and senior living business are getting increasingly complex.  In senior living, we have a multifaceted business model involving:

  1. Real Estate
  2. Property Management
  3. Food and Beverage
  4. Lodging/Hospitality
  5. Social Services
  6. Health Care Delivery
  7. Limited Risk Pool Health Insurance Provider (Type ‘A’ life care CCRC.)
  8. Risk Management
  9. Asset Management
  10. Information Technology

Here is an outline of a six point strategic plan to put it all together:

1. Focus on organic growth.

2. Future growth can be a sound strategy.

3. Make market-driven not situation-driven decisions.

4. Constantly ask “what if” questions.

5. Everyone needs an exit strategy.

6. Take a realistic look at the future

Read the current MDS Senior Living and Senior Housing Strategy to get more details on each of these 6 points.

Happy New Year 2013….Now, What’s Next??

Everyone here at MDS would like to wish you, your families and your coworkers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.  Welcome 2013!!

All the gifts have been opened and the champagne bottles are empty…now what?  As the American workforce makes their way back to the office, there is no better time to ask “What’s Next?”  The New Year is a perfect time to reevaluate where you, your business or organization stands and most importantly, where you are going.

Take some time to begin this process with some very basic questions:

  • What went right in 2012? How can you duplicate that?
  • What went wrong in 2012? How can you make changes to avoid those things?
  • What changes do YOU want to see in your career as well as your business? How will you accomplish those changes; more training and education, teaming with co-workers to implement new initiatives, taking some risks you have been contemplating?

It may seem like a cliché, but it is so true: The possibilities are endless!!

As you contemplate the above questions, we know you have high hopes and big dreams for your community and your business but you must do some proper goal setting to begin down the path to achieving those hopes and dreams.  Remember the basics about goal setting: they must be measurable with a specific deadline and they must be attainable (realistic) yet challenging.  And no goal is worth setting without a step-by-step plan to achieve said goal.

MDS can help you set goals for your organization through many avenues from operations analysis to identify areas for improvement to conducting Board Retreats and Strategic Planning sessions with your professional staff.  MDS can also help you achieve these goals through program implementation, monitoring, training, and material for you and your staff.

We anticipate great things in the New Year ahead. Most of all we look forward to helping you establish and achieve your goals to make 2013 an even more successful year.