Employee Recognition Can Help Motivation and Retention

by Kim Jimenez

I keep seeing this quote on social media: “Employees who feel valued will do more than expected.”

Employee Engagement is a current concept garnering lots of attention.  Employee Engagement refers to and measures how connected and committed an employee is to an organization, its product and its customers.  High employee engagement can result in greater productivity, increased morale and higher retention. Therefore, companies are looking for ways to increase employee engagement. One such way is employee incentives and recognition.

According to a 2014 paper by Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) “employees not only want good pay and benefits, they also want…to be valued and appreciated for their efforts” (Society for Human Resource Management, 2014).  While some organizations may shy away from formal recognition programs because they think they may be too expensive to implement, it is not necessarily monetary recognition employees are looking for. Recognition can be internal recognition, public recognition or staff appreciation events.  Even small items like t-shirts, gift cards, thank you notes, and coffee mugs can be effective if genuinely presented for noted achievements.

Also, there are any number of areas for which a company can structure a recognition program depending on the organization and its employees.  Some such areas according to SHRM can be as simple as attendance and years of service or more involved like systems improvements, talent acquisition, innovation, and/or “champions of change.”  Recognition can be structured however the organization can effective track and designate employee contribution.  Then recognition should be consistent and immediate.  An inconsistent program will not motivate employees.  But overall, good recognition programs can be very effective.

Taking recognition to the national level can not only motivate employees but provide credibility to both the employee and the organization.  National recognition can be an organizational designation or recognition coordinated with industry associations or regulatory agencies.  There are a number of national designations, awards and achievements available for employees and organizations to draw from within every industry.  National recognition can bring a level of respect from subordinates, coworkers and customer’s alike.  It may even motivate other employees to strive to obtain the same designation and recognition.

Give as much thought into how to win over your employees as you do your customers; your employees are your customers.  Treat them right and they will treat your customers right.



Society for Human Resource Management. (2013, March 21). Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management: https://www.shrm.org/templatestools/toolkits/pages/sustainingemployeeengagement.aspx

Society for Human Resource Management. (2014, September 12). Managing Employee Recognition Programs. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management: https://www.shrm.org/templatestools/toolkits/pages/employeerecognitionprograms.aspx


Kim Jimenez has been a regular contributor to the MDS website and MDS blog for the past 15 years.  Kim holds a supervisory position in a Fortune 100 company and has extensive experience with a multitude of employee, training and leadership issues.  She is currently obtaining her degree in Human Resource Management at Southern New Hampshire University

Do You Market For Human Talent? Part 2 of 2

How Often Are You Recruiting For New Top Human Talent?

It is easy to form a perception that talent should only be recruited when there is a position vacant in your company, but unfortunately, that kind of thinking is not very helpful to your company. You should always be recruiting and finding top talent so that they are ready when positions open up for any reason.

Don’t Rely on the Internet Alone

The advent of the internet and job boards was thought to be the end- all- be- all for recruiting. But, it has proven to be a double edge sword when it is the only method used. The great thing about internet job postins is that you can cast a wide net by broadcasting your current job openings to many individuals that may be looking for employment in your town, or even across the country. The downside is that you can be flooded by many applicants that are not anywhere close to being qualified for an opening in a specific position.

Now, relate this to your community’s marketing department for new residents. Can your community just post an advertisement saying “We have rooms available”, and the right person shows up and there you go, you have a new resident? Not quite, or there would be no need to have a sales and marketing team. It should be considered the same with community staffing. It takes a lot of work and effort to find the right fit for the community, both for residents and staff.

Always Be Recruiting

Do You Market for Human Talent? Part 1 of 2It’s important to augment the posting of job openings through portals such as Indeed, Career Builder, or others in this category. Talent Mangers must actively recruit to find the best employees available for the many different job functions within the community/company. This includes giving talks throughout the community at different functions and gatherings of people like civic clubs, high schools, junior colleges, colleges, and other professional organizations throughout your operating region. It is very important to educate as many people as possible about the existence of your community/company, that it is a great place to work with many opportunities besides those of just direct caregivers. Target programs and organizations can include, but are not limited to, those affiliated with business, nursing, culinary, and hospitality.

LinkedIn is also a great place to gather potential contacts for professional level jobs. LinkedIn should be used to identify individuals with skills that will be beneficial to your team now and in the future. Don’t limit yourself to just those that may currently hold positions in the Senior Living industry, but look in other industries for transferable skills as well. Establish casual relationships in the beginning and watch how they interact with others in their peer groups. Do they post timely and relevant material? Do they have original thoughts? How many connections do they have (a peek at how good they might be at networking and recruiting prospective residents)? Do they seek out and participate in continued education opportunities? LinkedIn will also let you glance into the individual’s employment past. With this feature, it is easy for an individual to write anything they want with little to no cross-checking by others, so proceed with caution. Trust, but verify. Once individuals are identified as potential employees who could be an asset to your team, then it is prudent to reach out and make a connection with them.

Start an HR newsletter to keep current employees and those interested in working for your company informed of current happenings within your company/community. Not necessarily resident-focused, but more about job openings, training, and highlighting employee accomplishments. The added communication will go a long way in both employee retention and recruiting efforts. While this form of communication usually will not lead to instant gratification in the recruiting of other professional individuals, it will build a pattern of contact that over time will lead to candidates keeping up with your company. If they like what you have to say, it will leave them with the sense of wanting more information about company activities and available openings.

So get out from behind the desk and computer screen, and endeavor into the community, market yourself, your industry, and your company for great talent. A great side effect is that while you are getting the word out of your community/company, simultaneously you just might accidentally uncover a prospective resident or family member looking for a loved one.

Make your company an employer of choice, not an employer of last resort!


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in Senior Living operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.


More Wage Pressure Could Be On The Horizon!

In a proposed plan by the White House, more exempt employees will be eligible for overtime compensation.

More Wage Pressure Could Be On The Horizon!

Not long ago I wrote a piece on the impact of increasing wages through both higher minimum wages and entry level wages in Is Your Business Prepared for the $15-An-Hour Entry Level Worker? Now, you should not only consider the impact of rising wages for hourly workers, but also potential wage impacts related to exempt employees. The proposed plan by the White House would raise the threshold of wages in which exempt works are eligible for overtime compensation.

The Proposal

A recent White House Proposal will increase the number of exempt employees eligible for and entitled to compensation for overtime work beginning in 2016. The new regulation increases the minimum pay for overtime-eligible exempt employees from $455 a week to $970 a week, or $23,660 to $50,440 on a yearly basis.

Currently, hourly and salaried employees making under $455 a week or $23,660 a year are generally eligible for overtime compensation for hours worked in excess of 40 per week. If this proposal goes into effect, it will increase the eligibility for salaried employees making up to $50,440 a year to be eligible for overtime compensation. This will more than likely have an effect on most department managers and some administrative personnel currently employed at senior living communities who have previously been ineligible for overtime due to their exempt status.

Changes To Be Considered

If the proposal is approved, this will create a need to start doing a few things differently for the exempt employees making under $50,440 per year. The first thing would be to start tracking these newly eligible employees’ time closely, even if they work off-site or from home. If the employee consistently works overtime, the changes that can be considered will include: whether to institute a no more overtime policy, increase the employees pay to $50,500, or convert them to an hourly rate and adjust for overtime normally worked.

Policies for communicating with these employees during off hours by phone, text, or email will also need to be evaluated. It would also be prudent to consider the impact of employees who might cover for others due to no-calls, no-shows, or other absences. If the coverage situation happens at the end of the scheduled work week, then this employee would more than likely have already worked enough hours to be eligible to an overtime situation.

Definitive Action is Needed

It may be tempting for management and employees alike to take a laid-back view on this emerging situation. If you don’t get anything else from this article, the one piece of information you should remember is this: I can assure you that you will be better off planning ahead for the proposed rule change. Don’t be tempted to procrastinate, and don’t simply make a handshake agreement with an employee and think that nothing needs to be changed because everything will work out in the long run. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out, and the cost can add up.  The cost of the overtime work, penalties, time other employees will spend on this, and possible litigation will cost you more than it would have to initially just do be prepared from the start. Not to mention the hassle of having the Labor Department in your business for goodness knows how long.

Be Proactive

Let MDS help you evaluate the possible impact of wage increases in your community. I can work with you and your team to calculate your financial expose based on potential changes in over-time regulations for exempt employees. A proactive approach will allow us to develop alternative pay plans and work schedules to minimize the financial and service impact on your organization.

While we don’t know where minimum and entry level wages will eventually land, I will also help your team run “what-if” scenarios based on several factors to estimate the impact of multiple levels of increase. Putting this all together will help guide management’s approach to evaluating and setting monthly service fees, and service packages designed with minimal impact to the organization, its residents, and staff members.

Don’t procrastinate on these important wage-related issues. There is still plenty of time to design a well-rounded solution that has minimal impact to your organization.


As an update to the entry level worker pay story, the New York Wage Commission has endorsed the planned hike in fast food workers to $15 per hour.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Is Your Business Prepared for the $15-An-Hour Entry Level Worker?



Is Your Business Prepared for the $15-An-Hour Entry Level Worker?Is your company or community ready for the financial impact of rising entry level worker pay? While $15 an hour is the new “rally cry” for the minimum wage, whether it will happen nationwide can be debated. But it still begs the question, “Can your current financial structure handle entry level wages increasing to $14, $12, even $10 per hour?” Reality is there are a lot of communities that struggle even with current entry level wages somewhere between $8 to $10 an hour. A recent Wall Street Journal article indicated U.S. wages were on pace to increase at rates not seen since 2008. So while we don’t know where entry level wages will land ultimately, it is certain that wages will continue to increase, and more than likely increase at a faster pace than over the last few years.

Minimum Wage verses Entry Level Wage

An important point to note is that while minimum wage and entry level wage are used interchangeably, they can be very different. Minimum wage is mandated by a governing body of some type, such as federal, state, county, or even cities in the case of Los Angeles as mentioned in an article referenced below. Entry level wages are what companies decide is a competitive wage for new employees in entry level jobs such as dining services, housekeeping, and direct care. Most Senior Living communities pay over and above prevailing mandated minimum wage levels by an average of $.75 to $1.50 per hour.

Wage Pressures

The increase in entry level wages is due to many factors. First our economy has improved and unemployment is significantly down over the last few years. Secondly, retail giant Wal-Mart and fast food giant McDonald’s have both made commitments to raise their minimum starting salary over the next few years. In fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles, CA just signed a bill setting the minimum wage in that city to $15 an hour by 2020, making it the largest city in the country to mandate a $15-an-hour wage.  Thirdly, adding to the already mounting wage pressure are predictions of a looming labor shortage in some geographic areas and industries.

On the other side of the coin we can argue that with the talk of a labor shortages, immigration reform could be on the horizon to add more labor to the pool. There is also the view that if McDonald’s entry level wages rose to $15, automation would step in and replace a large portion of their entry-level workers. Even if you take the actual dollar amount off the table for just a minute, and let’s say that you were still able to attract workers in the $8 to $10 an hour range, are you and your residents willing to settle for the leftovers? Those who couldn’t make it anywhere else? Because while wages generally don’t make it in the top 5 to 10 reasons why employees leave employers, when talking about a differential of $.10-$.50 an hour, if the difference was $2, $4, or $6 an hour, a 20% to 60% increase over current pay, this would be a game changer.  Regardless of your point of view on the actual dollar amount, the uncertainty should be enough to take action to off-set wage related financial pressures, even if they are not as extreme as mentioned.

Impact To An Average Community

Jim Moore, founder and president of Moore Diversified Services, published an article in January 2015, which highlighted what a modest increase of a $1.50 per hour might mean to an average 110 unit assisted-living community. This included the payroll increase of over 10%, total expense increase of 4.5%, approximately a 12% decrease in net operating profit margins, and $2 million of decreased community value at a conservative capitalization rate of 8%. You can only imagine the impact to your bottom line if the increase was in the $4 to $6 an hour range instead of the $1.50 per hour used in the example.

Do You Have a Strategy?

The next question is, do you have a financial strategy to combat rising wages without compromising your Income Statement, significantly reducing cash flow, or greatly reducing the future value of your community? If not, now is the time to begin formulating one. In the past wages have generally risen at modest rates and changes in revenue structures could be made to accommodate or off-set the increases without much impact on residents. Unfortunately, with all these dynamics converging to create tremendous pressure on entry level wage, you may not have the luxury of time this go around.

It’s important to start the process and begin to manage change immediately. Three initiatives to help accomplish this would be to 1) reduce overall operating expenses, 2) fine-tune existing revenues, and 3) realize organic growth through increased revenue and expanded services.

How MDS Can Help You   

Entry level wages will likely increase in the near future, although how much can be debated. We at MDS believe this can be a Win-Win for communities and their workers. This will make strides in the effort to pay everyone a living wage, and with proper planning it doesn’t have to devastate your income statement. This will have a significant increase on the labor intensive Senior Housing industry; especially assisted living and memory care with heavy entry level labor concentration. There are practical strategies that can be implemented to enhance revenues, reduce overall operating expenses, and create favorable organic growth in individual communities or portfolios for multiple communities.

Now is the time to take a hard look at each and every line item of expense. Good economic times can cover excessive expenses very easily. It’s always a good practice to stay on top of changes that can be made to reduce expenses, while not compromising resident care and service to help off-set any future wage increases. A full-scale operations review and benchmarking would be recommended.

Performing competitive pricing analyses, evaluating ancillary and tier charges will insure that you aren’t leaving any revenue on the table. Make sure that units are priced according to the true value they provide residents.

Finally, don’t let 93% stand in the way of 100% occupancy.  Seems that there is a mental block when communities reach 93% occupancy.  Then it’s time to reduce the marketing budget or just operate under the 93% cloud. On the contrary, it’s time to push harder. The financial rewards for those next few units is what sets great performing communities apart from the good ones.

Don’t wait till it’s too late and put your communities’ financial health in jeopardy. Let’s get started planning for the future of higher wages for entry level workers today!


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.

Measuring Employee Retention and Turnover


Measuring Employee Retention and Turnover
Measuring Employee Retention and Turnover

I recently completed a two-webinar series on employee retention/turnover. If you did not have a chance to watch those in person, please visit our YouTube channel at MDSseniorliving to view any of our past webinars. Probably the most asked question after each of these webinars was “How do you measure employee turnover/retention?” I thought this would be a good space to go into employee turnover/retention measurement a little bit further.

Defining Employee Retention and Turnover

It might be helpful to define retention and turnover. There are multiple definitions and different ways to measure each of these so I will discuss the generally accepted standard definitions. Measuring employee retention usually means picking some time frame to measure what percentage of employees have been employed with the company that long. I generally use a year as a base for retention, but the time period can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. Employee turnover is anyone who separates from the company, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and must be replaced. This could be due to retirement, being a stay-at-home parent, other self-induced separations, and forced separations.

Attainable Employee Turnover Rates

Due to the definition of employee turnover, it is highly unlikely that any company would ever have a 0% employee turnover rate. While it may sound somewhat counter-intuitive at this point, actually having 0% employee turnover rate in larger organizations would not be a good thing. It seems there will always be those in which we have to ask to leave our employment and those that move-on on their own. Additionally, bringing in new people to an organization leads to fresh ideas and new perspectives on old methods. Generally a 10% – 20% turnover rate is acceptable and attainable.

While not a lot of people measure it, job vacancy can be a crucial workforce indicator. There is an inherent cost to vacant positions, which are somewhat more difficult to calculate but it can be done. Vacancies can have a toll on workforce morale due to the added load it puts on other employees, as well as affecting customer relationships through poor service. If employee overtime is at an escalated level or has been steadily increasing and/or customer satisfaction ratings are dropping, it may also be a good idea to look at the position vacancy ratio.

To calculate this measure, divide the average number of vacant positions over a specific time frame by the total number of authorized positions in the company or department.

Calculating Employee Turnover

So let’s start off by looking at employee retention of one year or more. You would take the number of employees who have been employed at your company for one year or longer and divide that by the average number of current filled positions. In measuring retention and turnover, if the number of filled positions fluctuates during the time periods you measure, it would be best to take an average of filled positions. This could be done by taking the filled positions at the beginning of the month and those at the end of the month and running a simple average.

When measuring employee turnover, there are a few more steps that we may want to go through. This can be done over any time frame in which you desire. The only thing you’ll need to remember is that you will need to annualize for any time periods that are less than a year. Because the number of separated employees will more than likely continue to grow throughout the year and the number of filled positions will remain fairly constant, the number should be annualized for consistency.

If you’re comparing one month to one month or one quarter you can use the raw number, but to measure employee turnover for one month and to use that rate to speak in general terms of employee turnover would be incorrect. A good general measurement to start with is to take all the people that separated within a specific time and divide that number by the average number of filled positions during the same time period.

There are many variations of detail in which you can measure employee turnover. While the general overall turnover of a company or department is a good place to start, if it’s a small company a large number can be misleading because there are not a lot of total employees. Therefore, each employee who leaves will appear magnified. In just the reverse, if you’re within a very large organization, a generally low number may cover up hot spots within departments or divisions within the company. For these reasons there are a few more steps that I would recommend.

Length of Employment

Probably the most important secondary measure of turnover would be the factor of time. Usually a large amount of employee turnover happens within the first year of employment, with most of that coming within the first 60 days. Selected time periods should be looked at in depth in order to find problem areas within the system. I would recommend looking at 30 day, 60 day, 90 day intervals as well as 180 day, 270 day, and 365 day increments. In order to measure this segment of turnover you would take the number of separations during the specific time period divided by the total number of separations. This should help you isolate any troubled spots.

Some of the other areas that you may want to measure would be voluntary and involuntary separations, high achievers versus low achievers, male versus female, turnover by department, and other variables that may be important to your company. These sub-measures will help you isolate any problem area to allow greater focus of developing targeted solutions.

Employee Turnover – A Runaway Locomotive

This has been a very simplistic view of employee retention/turnover measuring and I hope it has help you in some way.  When I speak of other Income Statement and Cash killers such as “Cost Creep,” I call it the silent killer, but Employee Turnover is just the opposite.  It is the runaway locomotive barreling down the tracks through the middle of town with everyone running and screaming to get away from it, but very few addressing the large looming issue head on. It’s difficult, there are no doubts about it, but the cost to your organization is extremely high where measurable, and damaging in areas that are unmeasurable.

If you are experiencing high employee turnover, I would encourage you to give me a call. We can work together to solve this issue. It is not one that can be solved overnight, but it is one that can be solved. Think about each employee and the cost associated with them when they walk out the door. The cost is astronomical when you assign a dollar figure to it. And there is also the toll it takes on your residents, those who need change the least.

Next Webinar — “Professional Sales: Back to Basics”

My next webinar is “Sales:  Back to Basics—Lessons from Mystery Shopping.”  Join us on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. CST.  Register here.  We look forward to you joining us!


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in senior living operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.


Upcoming Webinar – Part 2 of 2: 10 Critical Steps to Increase Employee Retention – Steps 6-10


Plug in with copyright



Moore Diversified Services presents Plug-In and Prosper Webinars:

Part 2 of 2: 10 Critical Steps to Increase Employee Retention
Thursday, April 30
1:00-1:30 p.m. (CDT)





At Moore Diversified Services your success is our goal. We are committed to equipping our clients with tools and strategies to make their businesses successful. MDS would like to offer a special, COMPLIMENTARY webinar on Employee Retention.

Join Roy Barker, Director – Special Projects at MDS, for Part 2 of 2 – “10 Critical Steps to Increase Employee Retention”, steps 6-10, as he provides various ways to increase employee retention.   Topics will include:

  • Create opportunities for advancement
  • Challenge employees
  • Praise employees
  • Develop an awesome company culture
  • Really get to know your employees

Space is limited. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to learn from a company with over 40 years of experience.

Register Today!

If you missed Part 1, for your convenience it is located below. To view all past webinars please visit MDSseniorliving

Employee Training and Retention: The Debate between Expense and Investment – Part II

Once an effective training and development program is established and utilized by the organization it can begin seeing increases and benefits in the following areas: productivity, motivation, quality, job satisfaction, commitment (employee retention), and reduced absenteeism.

In order to provide the training and development that reaps these many benefits, it costs money, time and other resources. Paid human resources are used to plan, organize and teach training sessions, mentors take time from their own duties to mentor newer employees, training materials must be printed and/or compiled in electronic format, and fees must be paid for seminars, classes or workshops. Organizations recognize there is a cost for training and development.

In today’s competitive business world, most organizations are looking at ways to reduce expenses in order to increase profits. Unfortunately, when training is only looked at as an expense, it can be the first category to go to the chopping block. It is suggested that businesses need to accurately analyze what these training programs are worth. While most organizations compile data and trends on advertising campaigns, sales department activities, and other activities that they can directly tie to increased revenue, it can be difficult to determine a Return on Investment (ROI) on employee training and development.

Training Makes Employees Feel Valued

Research has shown, however, that when employers invest time, money and resources in their employees with training and development the employees develop a commitment to the organization. The employee feels the organization/employer values them as a worker, values their skills and values their contribution. Research has also determined that with training and development the employee believes the employer cares about the employability of the employee. (Agrawal)

In contrast, some employees have been known to say they “saw it coming” before they were fired or let go. This can be the perception when an employee is struggling and/or not performing well and the employer distances themselves from the employee; does not offer help (training/development), keeps adding additional workload, tells the employee not to worry they will eventually “get it”, etc. In other words, with ongoing training and development the employee does not feel the employer is leaving them to “sink or swim” on their own or that the employer is not “creating” a reason to fire them.

Which Came First …?

Another comment that represents the crux of this argument: “Positions that have a high turnover rate (such as tech support) are often viewed by management as not worthy of proper training.” (Green) It is “the chicken and the egg” type question. Are these positions not worthy of training due to the high turnover or is a high turnover due to the lack of training? Another point of training is to evaluate if you have the right person for the right job. Sometimes you may have a talented and capable individual but they are just in the wrong position. Continued training and development, including evaluations, can determine strengths and weaknesses and what persons fit best with various positions.

Training and employee development is not just for the employee but is as beneficial to the employer as well. For those employers that view training as an expense, a trade-off for production or just plain wasted time, they may not have an effective training program in place. Also if an employer’s turnover is high, they may need to evaluate how they train new employees, evaluate existing employees and what programs are in place to develop employees to be productive members of their organization. Employers that are successful in reducing employee turnover embrace training and employee development as a necessary tool to further their organizational goals.

We featured this excerpt from a research paper that Kim Jimenez had written on employee training and how it relates to employee engagement/retention.  Employee turnover is a real cash expense that effects your business in many ways.  MDS can help in employee orientation and training in order to help create and retain the best staff possible.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas-based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.


Agrawal, Archana. “Employee Development and Its Affect on Their Performance.” International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research (2013): 99-108. Web.
Green, Allison. www.askamanger.org. 19 05 2012. Article. 05 09 2014.

Was That Really The Question? Ways to Encourage Employee Engagement (part 2 of 3)

In this 3-part blog series , we’re exploring ways to better engage your employees within your company. Last time we discussed hiring individuals who fit within your current corporate culture. Today we’ll take a look at the importance of communication as well as providing growth opportunities for employees.


Once you have the right people in place communication is still imperative. Employees want to see that upper management is transparent and that they buy into this process. As I mentioned before, employees can spot a con job a mile away. Look at employees as valued team members. It’s much easier when management and employees are all pulling the wagon in the same direction. To ensure the success of your employees is to ensure the success of you and your business. They must be viewed as having something of value to contribute to the process of providing an excellent customer experience.

Take the time to really get to know your employees. Be visible. Be engaged yourself. And I’m not talking about just knowing their names and what departments they work in, but who they really are and what their lives are really about. Of course this task can be delegated. In a large company a CEO may not know the entire story about each employee, but there should be managers in between who do.

Growth Opportunities

It’s important to provide good employees with different methods of expanding their horizons. This can range from the necessary training needed for them to excel in their current position, as well as cross training for other jobs within their department or within the company in general.

Other growth opportunities may include expanding employee responsibilities, delegating specific tasks to them, and of course providing them with the opportunity for upward mobility within the company. Instead of handing down edicts from the top and letting them trickle down to the bottom, form teams where employees have a chance to collaborate and help set policies. We have to remember that frontline employees are the ones who know what the customer is looking for and what the roadblocks are to providing excellent customer service.

I look forward to seeing you next time as we continue to explore ways to engage your employees.


Roy Barker is Director of Special Projects at Moore Diversified Services, a Fort-Worth, Texas, based organization specializing in operations analysis, marketing development, and investment advisory services. Roy is an authority in the field of employee turnover analysis and retention strategies.